Agenda item

Budget and Council Tax for 2006/2007

Report herewith


Councillor Hadland as Leader of the Council and Portfolio Holder delivered his Budget Statement which he commended to the Council.  He stated that the general feedback on the Budget was that the consultation exercise had been a success and that next year even wider and earlier consultation was planned.  All three political parties had met on 12 and 13 January to reach an agreement on the Budget and a consensus was duly reached to enable the £790,000 funding gap to be closed.  Councillor Perkins, on behalf of the Opposition, and Councillor Barron on behalf of the Labour Group then made their comments upon the Budget Statement accordingly.


Councillor Hadland then moved and Councillor Perkins seconded the Budget and Council Tax Report 2006/2007 for approval.  In so doing Councillor Hadland drew attention to the fact that Recommendation 4 had been amended to add the wording, “With the exception of paragraphs 2(F) to 2(I), 3 and 4”.  He explained that because the County Council had been unable to agree their budget, it had not been possible to agree their Council Tax precept which had a knock on effect with the rest of the County setting their Council Tax.  As such it was not possible to set the whole of the Council Tax this evening and this would need to be set at a later date hence the amendment to Recommendation 4.  It was noted that the County Council had applied to the Court to have the injunction against them lifted and in the meantime meetings were taking place across the County between the Chief Executives of the various Borough and District Councils to keep updated on the situation and establish a consensus on the way forward.


It was noted that it would be necessary to hold a special meeting of the Council at the appropriate time to set theCouncil Tax. This would not require full attendance as long as the meeting was quorate.   


RESOLVED:   That the report be received and the recommendations as detailed below be agreed:-

                                                 That Council


                                                      1.   Note the advice of the Chief Finance Officer (Section 151 Officer) set out in the report particularly in relation to the robustness of the estimates and the adequacy of the proposed financial reserves.


                                                      2.   Note the results of the budget consultation as set out in the report and detailed at Appendix C. 


                                                      3.   Considers and approves the Revenue Budget as laid down in Appendix A for 2006/2007.


                                                      4.   Consequently agree the formal budget and agree the calculation of the Council Tax base and Council Tax determinations set out in the Resolution in Appendix B of the report with the exception of paragraphs 2(f) to 2(i), 3 and 4.


                                                      5.   Authorise the Chief Finance Officer (Section 151 Officer) in consultation with the Portfolio Holder Financial Strategy and Democratic Services, to make any adjustments to cash limits necessary in line with the reasons set out in paragraph 2.3 to implement the Budget decision of the Council before the 1 April 2006 subject to the overall cash limit remaining unchanged.


                                                      6.   Instruct Corporate Directors and Corporate Managers to contain expenditure for 2006/2007 within the service area cash limits set out in Appendix A.

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