Agenda item

Matters of Urgency Which By Reason Of Special Circumstances The Mayor is of The Opinion Should Be Considered.


As referred to at the start of the meeting it was noted that the Mayor had agreed as a matter of urgency an urgent motion on Delapre Abbey and that this would take place in the Great Hall following a ten minute adjournment.


The meeting of the Council was then adjourned.


The meeting resumed in the Great Hall.


NB    Councillor Larratt declared an interest in the issue as an employee of the HSE





Councillor Glynane moved and Councillor M Hoare seconded the following motion:-


“This Council notes the concern of many residents about the bunding works currently in progress in Delapre Park and round the Delapre Golf Centre.


It notes that:


1.      Planning permission has been granted for these works and this cannot be withdrawn.

2.      An archaeologist has been consulted on the works, has observed work in progress and has reported satisfaction with the work to the County Archaeological Service.

3.      NBC’s Building Control staff have inspected and continue to monitor works in progress including the location and content of the bunds and have liaised with and will continue to liaise with the Health & Safety Executive on safety issues.

4.      NBC have provided a detailed response to questions raised by residents’ groups on the processes and consultation leading up to the construction of the bund.

5.      Cllr Glynane (Ward Councillor) has attended public meetings, met with NBC officers and representatives of the golf club and contractors and has sought meetings with the Delapre Park Action Group.

It further notes the concerns of residents regarding:

1.            Health and Safety issues relating to the workings.

2.            The potential damage to archaeological remains – particularly related to the Battlefield site.

3.            The destruction of sight-lines across the park from London Road.

4.            Damage to the beauty and amenity of the park as a facility for local people and as a setting for Delapre Abbey.

5.            The perceived failure of NBC to consult sufficiently with residents before work commenced.

This Council resolves to:

1.      Set up a consultation group comprising Delapre Ward Councillors, the Portfolio Holder, NBC Officers and up to three community representatives.

2.      Request the Portfolio Holder to investigate urgently reducing the size of the bund along the London Road boundary (i.e. that part of the works directly within NBC’s control) to maintain sight lines to Delapre Abbey and across the park from London Road without significantly compromising the defensive characteristics of the bund.

3.      Confirm with the County Archaeological service and/or the History Department of the University of Northampton that historic features and artefacts are adequately protected and to publish a report on findings to date.

4.      Continue to ensure, consistency with the legal requirements that no inappropriate materials have been used in the construction of the bund.

5.      Ask English Heritage to add Delapre Abbey, its gardens and part of the park (excluding the golf course) to its Register of Historic Parks and Gardens, and further, the Borough Council considers designating Delapre Abbey, its gardens and part of the park as a Conservation Area.”


Three representatives from the Delapre Park Action Group then addressed the Council, Mr Graham Mills, Mr Allen Scott and Mr Murphy.  On behalf of the Action Group they expressed their deep concerns over the bunding works that were being carried out and the damage that was being done to Delapre Park land as a result.  Particular concerns included the height of the bunding, the damage that was being caused to  Delapre parkland, the way in which the contractors were carrying out the works and the origins of the material being deposited on site for the bunding.  Comment was made that a substantial number of trees had been removed from the rookery despite the fact that it had originally been said that no trees would be removed.  They asked that the parkland be returned to its former state and that consideration be given to designating Delapre Abbey, its gardens and the park as a conservation area.  Further comments were made regarding the conditions imposed on the planning consent for the works and the view expressed that some of these conditions had been breached.  Generally the Action Group were opposing the motion, one of the main reasons being on the wording on one of the resolutions and in particular the use of the word investigate.  The Group were requesting that the size of the bunding be reduced. 


The motion was then duly debated.


 Councillor Marriott then moved and it was seconded that pursuant to Procedural Rule 6.3.4 the motion be referred back to Cabinet. 


The amendment was discussed and voted upon and lost. 


At this juncture, given the complexity and strength of feeling on the matter, the Mayor allowed a further seven members of the public to speak on the matter before the debate on the motion continued.  Mr G Walker, Mr Kalyan, Mr Pickering, Mr Rawlings, a representative from the archaeology unit, a representative from Friends of Delapre Abbey and Mrs Connell then all addressed the Council reaffirming the views expressed by the three speakers earlier as well as mentioning that some important archaeological finds had been exposed during the earth works and the point being made that this site could be an important Roman site.


Councillor Simpson then proposed and Councillor Hadland seconded a further amendment to the motion that Resolution 2 of the motion be amended to request the Portfolio Holder to investigate reducing the size or removing the bunding. 


At this juncture the meeting was adjourned to consider this amendment.


The meeting resumed.


Councillor Simpson advised that with deep regret he had to withdraw the amendment upon legal advice. 


The motion as originally proposed by Councillor Glynane was put to the vote and the motion was carried.


The Leader assured that he would do all that he could to move this issue forward and asked that representatives of the organisations stay behind so that the consultation group could be set up at the earliest opportunity and he gave further assurance that the whole of the Cabinet would be working on this matter in order to achieve a satisfactory result. 


The meeting concluded at 9.48 pm.