Agenda item

To answer questions asked under Council Procedural Rule 5.2.


Councillor B Hoare asked a question regarding the fact that in the last two years the presentation of the Council’s Best Value Assessment had been presented to this Council at the very last minute.  This had ensured compliance with Government timetables but he considered that it had not facilitated proper scrutiny of the Best Value Process.  He asked whether the Portfolio Holder could advise if a timetable for producing and scrutinising this year’s Best Value Report had been set and when Councillors would be provided with a copy of that timetable.  Councillor Palethorpe responded to the question stating that the first draft was due to go to Improvement Board on 24 May, an updated draft would then be circulated to all Councillors for consideration/comment by 29 May followed by consideration by Overview & Scrutiny on 14 June, Improvement Board again on 15 June and full Council on 26 June.  This would then ensure that the Best Value Performance Plan was submitted by the statutory deadline of 30 June.  In discussing the timetable it was suggested that perhaps this was an issue that could be discussed by the Constitutional Review Working Group. 


Councillor Marriott then asked a question regarding the position over the closure of the cyber-café at Briar Hill, a building owned by the Borough Council.  He asked whether the Council had withdrawn funds from the project and if so, why, as the centre offered a valuable service to the community.  He asked if there had been consultation over this with all users and partners.  Councillor Hadland briefly outlined the current position, it being noted that Northampton Borough Council were not responsible or accountable specifically for the project only as part of the Community Safety Partnership and as owners of the building.  However, it became clear as the project continued that the Youth Service were not achieving the required results and, in order to utilise the Centre, a number of other groups began to utilise the facilities.  Ultimately the Community Safety Partnership had no further funding to keep the Centre going and there was no alternative but to close it for the time being.  However it was acknowledged that the area was in desperate need of a community facility/ community development.  In response to a further question from Councillor Marriott for further information and background details, Councillor Hadland undertook to do this.


At this juncture Councillor Hadland took the opportunity to place on record thanks to Councillor Larratt for all his work and efforts during his time as Leader of the Council.


Councillor Wire then asked a question about the closure of Nicholls House Residential Care Home which had eighteen sheltered housing units within the complex owned by the Borough Council.  He asked whether Councillor Mere could advise of the future of the unit and was he aware of the distress being caused to tenants of these units who were both elderly and vulnerable.  He further asked what consultation there had been with the Primary Care Trust or the Health Authority and when Councillor Miah had last visited the premises.  Councillor Miah advised that he had in fact visited the premises that day and was in discussions and would be working with Officers and the County Council to look at options for the future.  He stated that he would keep Councillor Wire updated it being noted that he had a further meeting with relevant parties the following day.