Agenda item

Deputations/Public Addresses/Questions.


RESOLVED: That Mr Adams, Mr Green, Mr Davison and Mr Boys be permitted to address the Council in respect of Item 6, Notice of Motion, regarding Northamptonshire County Council budget in terms of youth services.


At this juncture, the addresses from those who had so indicated were heard.


Messrs Adams, Green, Davison and Boys all spoke in support of the motion as printed on the Agenda, it being noted that Mr Green was speaking on behalf of Northampton Trade Union Council.  All expressed their deep concerns over the proposed cuts in the draft Northamptonshire County Council’s budget and their impact on youth services and the impact this would have on the County, particularly as it targeted the most vulnerable and disadvantaged in society.  The view was expressed that the County Council needed to consider other alternatives to find a solution.  Particular concern was expressed over the proposed closure of Grendon Hall which had provided a wide ranging spectrum of facilities for the community for many decades.  The addressees therefore implored the Council to get the County Council to reconsider these proposed cuts.


At this juncture is was agreed to consider the notice of motion under Item 6 regarding the youth services as the next item.


NB   Councillors Church, Lane, Edwards, Eldred, Malpas, Tavener, Hill, Wire, Patterson, Glynane, Hollis, Yates, B Hoare, Roy and The Mayor declared a personal and non-prejudicial interest in the item.


Councillor Marriott moved and Councillor Roy seconded that Procedural Rule 3.4 be suspended to allow the following motion to be debated.


The motion was carried.


Councillor Marriott then moved and Councillor Roy seconded the following motion:


“This Council deplores the proposed cuts in investment and the proposed tendering out of youth services in the draft Northamptonshire County Council budget.


This Council believes that any cuts in provision or action that may produce instability in the operation of the service will result in:


Potential increase in crime and disorder with reduced diversion facilities.

Larger impacts on those young people from families least able to afford alternatives.

Longer term implications on the well being of young people in the Borough area.


The Council agrees to submit to the consultation on the County Council’s budget its significant concerns on the issue.”


Councillor Church then moved and Councillor Yates seconded an amendment to the motion as follows:


That the existing text be retained and that the following be added to the end of the above motion:


“In particular this Council recognises the valuable opportunities that Grendon Hall provides to young people in Northamptonshire.


This Council believes that alternative funding arrangements for the retention of Grendon Hall have not been fully explored and that Grendon Hall could provide an even better facility, for even more young people, with a modest capital investment.


This Council does not support the proposed closure of Grendon Hall and requests the County Council to explore alternative options for its retention and improvement.”


Councillor Marriott, accepted the amendment.


The motion as amended was then duly debated, voted upon and carried to become the substantive motion.


A vote was then taken upon the substantive motion and carried as set out below:


“This Council deplores the proposed cuts in investment and the proposed tendering out of youth services in the draft Northamptonshire County Council budget.


This Council believes that any cuts in provision or action that may produce instability in the operation of the service will result in:


Potential increases in crime and disorder with reduced diversion facilities.


Larger impacts on those young people from families least able to afford alternatives.


Longer term implications on the well being of young people in the Borough area.


The Council agrees to submit to the consultation on the County Council’s budget its significant concerns on the issue.


In particular, this Council recognises the valuable opportunities that Grendon Hall provides to young people in Northamptonshire.


This Council believes that alternative funding arrangements for the retention of Grendon Hall have not been fully explored and that Grendon Hall could provide an even better facility for even more young people with a modest capital investment.


This Council does not support the proposed closure of Grendon Hall and requests the County Council to explore alternative options for its retention and improvement.”