Agenda item

Notice of Motion

The following motion to be moved by Councillor Church and seconded by Councillor B.Hoare;-


“This Council recognises the major contribution the Roadmender makes to the artistic,cultural and social life of Northampton,in particular the support it gives to young people and disabled people in developing their musical talents.


This Council deplores the decision of Northamptonshire County Council to withdraw funding of £58,000 from the Roadmender Centre, thereby threatening the loss of a unique facility in Northampton.


This Council requests the Chief Executive to write to the County Council to seek continued support for Roadmender to enable them to build on the marked improvement in attendance and support shown in recent months.


This Council requests the Executive


(1)   To offer to continue the same level of funding to Roadmender for the next financial year and offer support to the Roadmender in their efforts to secure alternative funding to enable them to continue to provide opportunities to young people which would otherwise be denied.

(2)   To ensure adequate parking is available in the Mayorhold in the evening for Roadmender customers”.




Councillor Church moved and Councillor B Hoare seconded that procedural rule 3.2 be waived to allow the following motion to be debated.


The motion was carried.


Councillor Church then moved and Councillor B Hoare seconded the following motion:-


“This Council recognises the major contribution the Roadmender makes to the artistic cultural and social life of Northampton in particular the support it gives to young people and disabled people in developing their musical talents.


This Council deplores the decision of Northamptonshire County Council to withdraw funding of £58,500 from the Roadmender Centre, thereby threatening the loss of a unique facility in Northampton.


This Council requests the Chief Executive to write to the County Council to seek continued support for Roadmender to enable them to build on the marked improvement in attendance and support shown in recent months.


This Council requests the Executive:-


(1)       To offer to continue the same level of funding to Roadmender for the next financial year, and offer support to the Roadmender in their efforts to secure alternative funding to enable them to continue to provide opportunities to young people which would otherwise be denied.


(2)       To ensure adequate parking is available in the Mayorhold in the evening for Roadmender Customers”.


Councillor Barron then moved and Councillor Roy seconded an amendment to the motion as follows:-


“To insert after musical talents” this Council views the Roadmender as a key strategic partner in delivering the Arts and Culture Agenda in Northampton.


To delete all after “this Council requests” and insert “the Improvement Board and the Cabinet to ensure that the existing level of funding for the Roadmender is present within the draft 2006/2007 budget.


The Cabinet to ensure that in kind support in promoting Roadmender events through NBC publications and other services is maintained and additionally developed.


The Cabinet to offer other support in the Roadmender securing alternative funding.


The Cabinet to ensure that late night parking which is sympathetic to the needs of Roadmender customers is extended to the Mayorhold Shoppers Car Park.


To insert at the end the following:-


“The Improvement Board to undertake an urgent dialogue with the Arts Council to reassesses its involvement in funding for Roadmender to achieve a sustainable level of resources for the facility.


Councillor Hadland then moved and Councillor Miah seconded a further amendment which was considered pursuant to Procedural Rule 6.6 together with the first amendment.  The second amendment was as follows:-


Delete second paragraph and insert:- “This Council regrets the decision of Northamptonshire County Council and the Arts Council to withdraw funding from the Roadmender Centre thereby threatening the loss of a unique facility in Northampton”.


A vote was then taken upon the second amendment and lost.


A vote was then taken upon the first amendment and this was carried to become the substantive motion.


A vote was then taken upon the substantive motion as set out below and carried.


Councillor Hill abstained from voting and asked that this be placed on record.


This Council recognises the major contribution the Roadmender makes to the artistic culture and social life of Northampton in particular the support it gives to young people and disabled people in developing their musical talents.


This Council views the Roadmender as a key strategic partner in delivering the Arts and Culture agenda in Northampton.


This Council deplores the decision of Northamptonshire County Council to withdraw funding of £58,000 from the Roadmender Centre thereby threatening the loss of a unique facility in Northampton.


This Council request the Chief Executive to write to the County Council to seek continued support for Roadmender to enable them to build on the marked improvement in attendance and support shown in recent months.


This Council requests the Improvement Board and Cabinet to ensure that the existing level of funding for the Roadmender is present within the draft 2006/07 budget.


The Cabinet to ensure in kind support in promoting Roadmender Events through NBC publications and other services is maintained and additionally developed.


The Cabinet to offer other support in the Roadmender securing alternative funding.


The Cabinet to ensure that late night parking which is sympathetic to the needs of Roadmender customers is extended in the Mayorhold Shoppers car park.


The Improvement Board to undertake an urgent dialogue with the Arts Council to reassess its involvement in funding for Roadmender to achieve a sustainable level of resources for the facility.