Agenda item

Children and Young Peoples Partnership Board - Every Child Matters - Presentation


Council then received a powerpoint presentation from Mr J Barker and Mr P Mason from Developing Services to Children, Northamptonshire County Council.  Every child matters sets out a national change programme to build services around the needs of children so that every opportunity could be optimised and risks minimised and formed part of the new children and young people partnership which was Northampton’s name for the Childrens Trust a new way of working required by the Children Act 2004.  From August 2005 there was a combined Schools and Children and Families service.  As part of that service the County Council’s priorities for 2005/06 were that more children and young people would get wider opportunities for development especially through extra curricular activities provided by the statutory and volunteer sectors and that more children would be living in stable and supported families.  A key theme of the act was working in partnership and the local authority had a responsibility to promote cooperation across all those providing services to children and young people.  J Barker then elaborated upon the work of the partnership to date which included forming a children and young persons partnership board, a monthly newsletter, LSP presentation some workshops etc.  The children and young peoples partnership board partners comprised Health, Police, Borough and District Councils Voluntary Sector and School and Governors Youth Offenders Team, LSC, Connexions and Northamptonshire County Council.  He then elaborated upon the childrens and young peoples plan which was a requirement of the Children Act 2004 and stated that all Local Authorities and Partners had to produce a joint plan to improve childrens well being in their area.  The Plan focused around 5 outcomes; be healthy, stay safe, enjoy and achieve make a positive contribution and achieve economic well being.  He then referred to the boards 10 priorities for 2006 – 2009 in the childrens and young peoples plan.  As part of the plan there would be joint area reviews the aim of which was to describe what life was like for children and young people growing up in an area and evaluate the way local services taking together contributed to their well being.  Following their presentation the issue was opened up for debate and any questions/comments from Councillors.  Questions were asked about funding it being noted that any decisions on funding would be made within the existing budget and that there was no statutory requirement for a Local Authority to commit to expenditure.  It was noted that the point of the presentation was to bring to the Council’s attention the impact the new legislation would have upon this Council.  Northampton Borough Council had a clear role and as such needed to determine how to deal with this role and it was therefore suggested that a report be submitted to Cabinet to determine that role.  Further consideration in terms of alignment of budgets needed to be given at some point.  It was noted that there were no additional monies and focus needed to be therefore made on the 10 key points referred to in the presentation and the importance of the Borough and County Councils working together on housing and Childrens Services was emphasised.  Any ideas from Councillors on how this could be worked up would be welcomed.