Agenda item

Community Governance Review of the Borough - Potential options for consultation and further actions


Councillor Larratt proposed a report which sought Council’s approval of the updated draft Terms of reference for the Community Governance Review (CGR) and to approve the recommendations made by the Working Group at its meeting on the 12th October 2018. Councillor Larratt explained that he had visited a number of residents associations and parish Council meetings, to communicate and update them on the potential changes.


Councillor Nunn seconded the report and explained that the consultation exercise would empower residents and local people to ensure that they achieved the best for people in their communities.


Councillor Stone commented that the Labour Groups preference had been for a Unitary Northampton but since this had been dismissed as a valid option, it was now essential for residents to be aware of their options and to feed into the consultation. She further commented that it was essential for people to be aware and educated about the potential costs prior to them be able to make an informed contribution.


Councillor B Markham commented that the CGR of Hunsbury Meadows had taken 18 months to complete and questioned how a Review of the whole Borough could be undertaken in the allocated time. He further reported that the proposed timetable was too restrictive and rushed before information about the future of the Borough Councils responsibility, including the Mayoralty functions were known and the potential increases in costs, specifically with additional precepts.


Councillor Golby commented that he fully supported the recommendations and the proposed CGR and cited Duston Parish Council as an example of local political activity and cohesion working exceptionally well.


Councillor Hill concurred with the comments made by Councillor Golby and stated that he considered areas of the Borough that were not parished may have suffered from a disadvantage.


Councillor Beardsworth stated that she considered there to be a lot of inequality with regards to the additional costs in parished areas and considered some areas would not benefit from being parished and urged the Council to commit to resolving and recognise the inequality that parishing may pose.


Councillor Larratt commented that the proposed CGR would allow residents to have an opportunity to feed into proposals that would affect them once the Council had been instructed by Government to move to Unitary and explained that he wanted residents to have a voice and explained that he considered parish councils to be qualified in setting their own precepts as they would have a better understanding of their areas. He further noted that the Milton Keynes in its entirety was covered by parishes. He explained that he was fully in support of the proposal and felt very strongly that residents needed to have their voices heard and considered.




That Full Council be recommended to:


2.1      approve the updated draft Terms of Reference for the CGR attached as Appendix 1 and delegates to the Chief Executive in consultation with the Chair of the Working Group the power to make any necessary amendments to the Terms of Reference prior to publication;


2.2      approve the recommendations made by the Working Group at its meeting on 12th October 2018 and therefore:


a)     approves the 3 options set out in this Report at paragraph 3.2.6, to go forward for consultation as part of the CGR; and


b)     delegates to the Chief Executive in consultation with the Chair of the Working Group power to approve the appointment of appropriate contractors to carry out the consultation element of the CGR on behalf of the Council


2.3      instruct the Chief Executive to publish the final Terms of Reference for the CGR and delegates to the Chief Executive in consultation with the Chair of the Working Group the power to determine the nature, form and methodology of the consultation and authorises the commencement of the CGR consultation. 



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