ePetition details

Stop keeping Peacocks in Abington Park

We the undersigned petition the council to Put a stop to the keeping Peacocks in Abington Park

Having just called the Borough Council to report the death of another white Peacock, it is time to put an end to the outdated practice of keeping theses large birds in such small cages with little but stones to scratch about in. Although some may argue that their basic needs are met, this may have been acceptable in Victoria times, but we now understand that animals need much more in terms of enrichment.
Watching such majestic creatures languishing in such delapadated, grey and drab conditions brings little by way of entertainment and does not teach children respect for animals.
It’s time for the Council to rehome the remaining peacocks to places of freedom and enrichment and not replace them.

Started by: Jane Lassetter

This ePetition ran from 12/03/2018 to 23/04/2018 and has now finished.

25 people signed this ePetition.