Browse meetings

Scrutiny Panel 2 - Museum Trust (Pre-Decision Scrutiny)

This page lists the meetings for Scrutiny Panel 2 - Museum Trust (Pre-Decision Scrutiny).


Information about Scrutiny Panel 2 - Museum Trust (Pre-Decision Scrutiny)

About Scrutiny Panel Meetings


Scrutiny Panel meetings are usually held in public. They give elected members, not on the Cabinet, an opportunity to examine, discuss and make recommendations about significant issues and decisions.




1.    Purpose/Objectives of the Pre-Decision Scrutiny Activity

Pre-decision Scrutiny - Scrutiny of the establishment of the Museum Trust to ensure the best outcome for the future of the Museum Service and Cultural Quarter. 


The purpose of the meetings is to:


§  Help non-Executives understand the process of establishing a Museum Trust and the legal framework around the establishment of a Museum Trust.


§  Enable non-Executives to meaningfully challenge the rigour and robustness of the process.


2.    Outcomes Required


  • To provide Scrutiny input, at the pre-decision stage, of the establishment of a Museum Trust  


3.    Information Required


·           Background data 

·           Background reports

·           Best practice data

·           Evidence from expert internal witnesses

·          Evidence from expert external witnesses (if applicable)

·          Site visits (if applicable)






4.    Format of Information


·                     Background data, including:


Ø    Presentation to set the scene

Ø    Relevant Legislation

Ø    Relevant data



5.    Methods Used to Gather Information


  • Minutes of meetings
  • Desktop research
  • Officer reports
  • Presentations


6.    Co-Options to the Pre-Decision Scrutiny Activity


No co-optees suggested for this pre-decision Scrutiny activity


7.   Community Impact Screening Assessment


  • A Community Impact Screening Assessment to be undertaken on the scope of the Pre-Decision Scrutiny activity



8.   Evidence gathering Timetable


May 2016 – September 2016


·      23 May 2016                  - Scoping meeting

·      20 June                         - Evidence gathering

·      14 July                           - Evidence gathering

  • 15 September                - Evidence gathering/Scrutiny comments



Meetings to commence at 6.00 pm







9.              Responsible Officers


Lead Officers            Julie Seddon, Director of Customers and Communities and Nick Gordon, Cultural Services Manager, following initial scoping meeting


Co-ordinator              Tracy Tiff, Scrutiny Officer


10.            Resources and Budgets


Julie Seddon, Director of Customers and Communities and Nick Gordon, Cultural Services Manager, following initial scoping meeting, to provide internal advice.


11.         Final report presented by:



Completed by September 2016.  Presented by the Chair of the Scrutiny Panel to the Overview and Scrutiny Committee and then to Cabinet.


12.         Monitoring procedure:


Review the impact of the report after six months