Agenda and minutes

Venue: This meeting will be held remotely at View directions

No. Item


Election of Chairman


The Deputy Monitoring Officer invited nominations for the election of Chairman for the Far Cotton and Delapré Parish Council.


Councillor Oldham proposed and Councillor T Eales seconded that  Councillor Walker  to be elected as the first Chair of the Far Cotton and Delapré Parish Council.


The motion was carried and Councillor Walker  was appointed as Chair and accepted office, delivering the Declaration of Acceptance to Office. He agreed that the Declaration of Acceptance would be signed after the meeting.


Councillor Walker then took the Chair.



Election of Deputy Chairman


The Chair invited nominations for the first Deputy Chair of the Far Cotton and Delapré Parish Council. Councillor Oldham proposed and Councillor Walker seconded that Councillor Roberts be elected as the first Deputy Chair of the Far Cotton and Delapré Parish Council.


The motion was carried and Councillor Roberts was elected as Deputy Chair and accepted office.



Apologies for Absence


There were none.


To confirm the appointment of the Interim Parish Clerk and Responsible Financial Officer with immediate effect


The Chair confirmed the appointment of Kate Houlihan as the interim Parish Clerk and Responsible Financial Officer for the Far Cotton and Delapré Community Council.


Declarations of interest


There were none.


To adopt, subject to review at the Annual Council Meeting, the draft Standing Orders, draft Financial Regulations and Code of Conduct and other key documents to be set out on the Council’s website pdf icon PDF 300 KB

(Copies herewithin)

Additional documents:


The Chair introduced the item and explained that the draft Standing Orders, draft Financial Regulations and Code of Conduct and other key documents were to be adopted subject to the review of these documents at the Annual Council meeting which would take place after the election in May 2021.


RESOLVED: That these documents be adopted subject to review at the Annual Council Meeting


To consider the draft contingency budget recommended by the Cross Party Working Group pdf icon PDF 144 KB

(Copy herewithin)


At the Chair’s invitation, the Deputy Monitoring Officer introduced the report and explained that the draft contingency budget was prepared in light of the start up costs required for theKingsthorpe Community Council and that it was hoped that in the future the CommunityCouncil would be able to spend their finances on local projects and initiatives.


The Deputy Chief Executive from NCALC, Lesley Sambrook Smith continued that a lot ofwork had gone into preparing the budget, which contained election costs, staffing and running costs of the Council as well as contingencies and transfer to reserves. The Cross Party Working Group hadscrutinised the draft budget and had recommended the draft contingency budget for theinitial year of the Far Cotton and Delapré Community Council.


The Deputy Chief Executive from NCALC summarised that if the draft contingency budget was £148,000, and if this was accepted the cost for a band D property would be £48.40pa which equated to 93p a week. However, this would differ depending on individual circumstances and band costs. For a Band A property, the cost would be £32.27pa which equated to 62p a week.  She reiterated that the budget would allow the Community Council to deliver projects that would benefit residents, and the precept would allow the Council to cover staffing costs and the money raised would be spent in the local area.


Members discussed the report and agreed that the budget would be reviewed and discussed further at the next meeting.


RESOLVED: That the draft contingency budget be reviewed and brought to the next meeting on 28th January 2021.


To note the purchase of a website


At the Chair’s invitation, the Deputy Chief Executive for NCALC explained that the website would contain all the information needed for a Parish Council and would display all thestatutory information that needed to be published as a legal requirement. The website wouldalso display candidacy, and important information for residents in Far Cotton and Delapré. It would helpto inform residents and spread the message of the Kingsthorpe Community Council and keep everyone up to date on current projects and initiatives.


RESOLVED: That the purchase of a website be noted.


To agree the date for the next meeting of the Council


The date of the next meeting of the Far Cotton and Delapré Parish Council would be held on Thursday 28th January 2021 at 7pm.



Items for information


There were none.