Agenda and minutes

Venue: The Jeffrey Room, The Guildhall, St. Giles Square, Northampton, NN1 1DE. View directions

Contact: Tracy Tiff, Scruitny Officer, ext 7408 

No. Item



 The Chair to note any apologies for absence.



Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Jane Birch and Janice Duffy.


The Chair advised that Ian Bates, Director, Umbrella Fayre, had accepted the offer to be a Co Optee to the Panel.


Declarations of Interest

Members to state any interests


There were none.


Deputations and Public Addresses

The Chair to note public address requests.


The public can speak on any agenda item for a maximum of three minutes per speaker per item.  You are not required to register your intention to speak in advance but should arrive at the meeting a few minutes early, complete a Public Address Protocol and notify the Scrutiny Officer of your intention to speak.



Mr David Huffadine-Smith addressed the Scrutiny Panel.


Minutes pdf icon PDF 149 KB

The Scrutiny Panel to approve the minutes of the meeting held on 15 May 2018.


The minutes of the meeting held on 15 May 2018 were signed by the Chair as a true and accurate record.



Presentation to set the scene pdf icon PDF 1 MB

The Scrutiny Panel to receive a presentation that sets the scene.


Phil Harris, Head of Housing and Wellbeing gave the Scrutiny Panel a presentation that set the scene for the Review.  He highlighted the salient points.


The Scrutiny Panel asked questions, made comment and heard:


·         The life expectancy of a rough sleeper is 47

·         In response to a query, the Scrutiny Panel heard that details of projects that support homeless people and rough sleepers will be given to future meetings.

·         On average, around 10-12 individuals sleep in the night shelter per night.

·         The Scrutiny Panel was given a case study of two youths that arrived from York; they were given a bus ticket back to York the following day.

·         The Scrutiny Panel heard of two rough sleepers that had died last year

·         The Scrutiny Panel commented that on occasions, sleeping rough is a life style choice


Phil Harris was thanked for his informative presentation


At this point Mr Huffadine-Smith addressed the Scrutiny Panel he queried the statistical information regarding rough sleepers, commenting that in his opinion there were around 60-80.  He felt November was not the best time to carry out a Rough Sleepers Count and was concerned that only those that are bedded down can be counted.  Mr Huffadine Smith made reference to hidden homeless and he expressed his opinion that ex-Servicemen have difficulty adapted to civil life.  He went on to refer to ex-Prisoners and Foreign nationals.  He concluded his address by referring to slavery and suggested that people need to be engaged with a the point of their need.


Mr Huffadine Smith asked to send his written response to the Scrutiny Panel.  The Chair asked Mr Huffadine Smith to include evidence within his written address.



Core Questions

The Scrutiny Panel to agree the list of core questions to be put to expert advisors


The Scrutiny Panel considered the draft core questions and made updates.


AGREED:      That the core questions, as attached, are sent to the expert advisors, as detailed on the Scope of this Review



Site Visits

The Scrutiny Panel to discuss potential site visits that it would undertake as part of the evidence gathering for this Review.


The Chair advised that the following site visits had been arranged and asked Councillors to confirm with the Scrutiny Officer their availability:


Tuesday 7 August 2018

Hope Centre                     
9:30am and then onto Oasis House


Women’s Refuge            11:45am  meeting residents etc


Emmaus Centre, MK,  13 August meeting at Emmaus at 10:30am




Community Impact Assessment pdf icon PDF 119 KB

The Scrutiny Panel to approve the Community Impact Assessment (CIA) for this Review


The Community Impact Assessment for this Review was approved and would be published on the Overview and Scrutiny WebPage.