Agenda and minutes

Contact: Partnerships and Communities Team  email:

No. Item


Welcomes, Introductions & Apologies pdf icon PDF 185 KB


ATTENDANCE: Cllr Anna King (AK, Chair), Pauline Woodhouse (PWo, Co-Chair), Michael Macleod (MM, NBC), Debbie MacColl (DM, NBC), Sheila Baker (SB, Townwomen’s Guild), Kate Scott (KS, NABPFA), Scott Potter (Northants Police), Pindy Chahal (PC, SCCYC), Irene Bianchi (IB, Aquarius), Louise Musson(LM, Call Care), Alice Morgan (AM, Museums), Ann Bodsworth (AB, NDAS), Danielle Stone (DS, NBC), Dawn Thomas (DT, NRC).


APOLOGIES: Neelam Aggarwal-Singh, Morcea Walker, Inderjit Jutla.


Minutes and Matters Arising pdf icon PDF 73 KB


Minutes accepted as true and accurate.


Debbie MacColl - Hate Crime Reporting


DM went through Hate Crime reporting PowerPoint and explained to Forum members what they are and how to report it.


ACTION: MM to share details via circulation list.


PW: 101 is not a great way to report – it takes too long for anyone to answer. 1 hour plus.


PC: What is the best way to report it – lots of abuse on our road and nothing is ever done about it.


PWo: 101 might be time dependant, got through easily on Sunday.


AB: Police have responded quickly – may grade on importance.


Alice Morgan - NMAG Activity Plan Co-ordinator


AM talked the Forum through the new museum project and the aims of the project.


AM guided the Forum members through the questionnaire and explained how they can help shape the upcoming exhibit.


DT: Facebook group Old Faces.

SP: History and Social page too.


Q: When/where will it be?

A: In the new museum in the temporary exhibition for at least 6 months when it re-opens.


AM: Opening end of 2019.



Hate Crime in Schools - Forum Members Discussion


Cllr Golby did not attend the forum, gave contact details of other Cllr to contact.


DS: No centralised collection of hate crime data in schools. Academies are not bound to give this info any more. The same as sexual violence.


ACTION: MM to collate questions from forum members to send to DS who will forward them on to the relevant officer(s).


DT: SRA policy is being discussed in parliament currently – age may be lowered.


PWo: Parents are the ones that are giving children permission to whether they can or cannot engage in learning about certain topics and there can be a lot of variables with that.


LM: Agreed with CPW – children need to be taught about a healthy relationship.


DT: You can teach children loosely about sexual abuse and talking to them about personal space.


AB: More information is now being added into the PSHE curriculum.


AB: A lot of girls are not being given permission in the Asian community to talk to the proper authorities.


PWo: Can you re-look at the programme and develop a workshop?


PC: People are happy to get support for others but they often won’t get help for themselves.


DS: We need a shared vocabulary. It cannot be communicated if one party does not understand what the other is trying to say.


PC: We are trying to relaunch our support through supplementary school. It would be helpful for a discreet leaflet to be given to schools so everyone has an understanding.


Forum to submit e-mails/questions to


Community Information Exchange


AB: Women’s services strategic group in Northampton has not met up for over 12 months. NCC published article saying all women’s services are funded, when they are not. Over 30 families housed in the county whose accommodation may be in jeopardy. OPCC/NBC/NCC – none are responding or taking the matter seriously.


DT: We have to go out of the county to get funding – time we are spending to source funding should be spent on service users. Also the premises needs to be vacated but with the uncertainty at the minute, it is hard to forward plan.


AB: The new hub planning is not going well.


Q: Who is the strategic lead?

A: Nicki Marzac.

ACTION: Invite to the May forum after the upcoming meeting when funds are finalised.


Q: Could we write a letter?

A: Yes it could be done after more discussion.


DT: Sexual violence forum never meets so many do not have a true understanding about the true statistics and consequences about sexual violence.


AK: Could we push this through the community safety partnership?


AB: NBC spent money (£50,000) on research from Warwick University with no results ever coming back.

AK: To find out more information about this.


Q: What has happened to national funding (DCLG) that was announced?

A: Could be announced in November but not sure and it does not necessarily cover sexual violence.


AB: The DCLG expected each organisation to set out a strategy to their standard. If they look at Northampton, they will see nothing has been done which may put future funding at risk.


SB: Money often goes to places which it shouldn’t. Public have raised awareness about how unnecessary some ideas are and they are often ignored.


DT: We need to work better with community groups and build better relationships which allows more effective results.


AM: Anyone who would like to receive the new newsletter will need to fill out a new form.

LM: Northampton has a Dementia Action Alliance – Information sharing alliance. LM gave the forum her business card and info sheet. It is very useful to find out what is going on, especially for those who are supporting people with dementia.


DS: Been at the food poverty network. Women and children are most affected.

Errol Flynn are showing Made in Dagenham. They are only going to take the cost of showing the film. The proceeds will go to the Domestic Abuse Services and Rape Crisis.

ACTION: MM to circulate details to all Forums.


AB: Errol Flynn need 28 people to make their money back.


DT: Continuing to apply for funding outside the county. St Andrews are having to take back one of the offices. In talks with PCC about sharing Warwick house but it may not accommodate needs of both parties. May have to revisit and look at other options. Date is not set as of now.


DS: Town of Sanctuary event at Abington Park bowling green. Fundraiser to raise funds for refugees.

£10 for  ...  view the full minutes text for item 6.


Any Other Business


AK: Talked the forum through the IWD 2018.

Margaret Bondfield unveiled first.

Rock Choir to start the event.

Sheila will talk about suffrage.

Launch of Stories of Resilience Book.

Couple of authors reading out stories.

Libby from prince’s trust will be singing.

Women’s Self-defence demo with workshop.

Inspirational Women’s award to end.

Will be workshops upstairs all day.

Elsie’s café will be in the court room too.


16 Days of Action going ahead – need the dates.


Hate Crime awareness week will be going ahead.


Need awareness raised for doctors and so on so people are recognised as victims straight away and that they are sent to the right place first time.

Set a date in the year in between IWD and 16 Days of Action.

Forum to discuss how to raise awareness and what event to run.


AB: Awareness could be raised at doctor’s surgeries.

DT: Double edged sword, more awareness means more demand but there is not more help given.




Items for Future Forums


Date of Next Meeting


20th March 2018, The Guildhall