Agenda, decisions and minutes

Venue: The Jeffrey Room, St. Giles Square, Northampton, NN1 1DE.

Contact: Emma Powley 

No. Item




There were none.


Minutes pdf icon PDF 100 KB


The minutes of the meeting held on the 21st October 2015 were agreed and signed by the Leader.


Intention to Hold Part of the Meeting in Private


There were no items to be heard in private.


Deputations/Public Addresses


There were none.


Declarations of Interest


There were none.


Issues Arising from Overview and Scrutiny Committees



There were none.


Northampton Town Football Club & Sixfields pdf icon PDF 154 KB

B Report of the Chief Executive (Copy herewith)


That the report be noted.


Councillor Stone addressed Cabinet and commented that she was pleased to see the quick and appropriate intervention had been taken since the motion was passed at the Extraordinary Council meeting. She requested that the opposition parties be kept informed and up to date on any progress made with regards to the Football Club.


Councillor Markham commented that the administration had kept the opposition updated ahead of any press releases, but that because of the fast pace of progress, it was not always possible to update them at every single step.


Councillor Markham , as the Leader of the Council, submitted a report and elaborated further by stating that the date the 16th November 2015 would be critical to the future of the club as it would be considered before the High Court whether the winding-up petition application by HMRC over £166,000 of unpaid taxes by the club is successful. She noted that the Council would continue to work hard to develop the land and work closely with interested parties.



That the report be noted.


Waste to Energy Plant at Westbridge Depot pdf icon PDF 170 KB

B Report of Director of Regeneration, Enterprise and Planning (Copy herewith)

Additional documents:


2.1 Cabinet approved in principle to grant a 2 year option for the lease of approximately 5 acres of land within the area identified edged red upon the plan at Appendix 1 of the report, subject to the issues outlined below being satisfied during that period:


2.1 (a)That the approved Option is conditional upon the Council being satisfied that the Waste to Energy plant land requirement does not result in the remaining Westbridge plot being too small to deliver the safe and efficient operational requirements of the Council’s existing waste facility at Westbridge and to cater for further growth of that facility as Northampton grows in size for the duration of the lease.


2.1 (b)   That the approved Option is subject to the necessary statutory consents being obtained including planning permission within the 2 year period.


2.1 (c)   That the Waste to Energy facility will provide an avenue for the disposal of all non-recycled domestic waste collected by the Council or its contractors in Northampton.


2.1 (d)  That the business case for the Waste to Energy plant is robust and helps to bring significant bottom-line financial benefits to the Council’s General Fund Budget for waste operations through the disposal of domestic waste within the Council’s future Waste Strategy.


2.1 (e) The Option Agreement is subject to 6 monthly reports back to the Council to assess progress against the Option conditions.


2.1 (f)    That the Option Agreement is subject to the Developer undertaking a full consultation with the local community and a full report to the Council on this consultation detailing how it is planned to respond to it at each stage.


2.1 (g)   That any relocation costs involved in exercising the preferred Option will be met by the developer. Should the development require the Council to re-position or alter waste or environmental services on the Westbridge site the JV will meet those costs.



Councillor Ashraf addressed Cabinet and commented the consultation process carried out had not been adequate. She stated that issues identified had not been properly addressed and asked that Cabinet considered the traffic and pollution issues be fully examined.


Councillor McCutcheon echoed the concerns of Councillor Ashraf and stated that there should be a full scale report on traffic, traffic movements and projected movements should the Waste to Energy Plant be approved.


Councillor Hadland commented in response, that all the issues that had been identified by the Council would be looked at including flooding and traffic management. He acknowledge that the consultation had not been conducted as expediently as they had wanted but that to grant a 2 year option for the lease of land should be accepted subject to the issues being satisfied.


Councillor Markham commented that she welcomed the report being brought to Cabinet at a very early stage




1.    That approval in principle be granted for a 2 year option for the lease of approximately 5 acres of land within the area identified edged red upon the plan at Appendix 1 of the report, subject to the issues outlined below being satisfied during that period:


1 (a)     That the approved Option is conditional upon the Council being satisfied that the Waste to Energy plant land requirement does not result in the remaining Westbridge plot being too small to deliver the safe and efficient operational requirements of the Council’s existing waste facility at Westbridge and to cater for further growth of that facility as Northampton grows in size for the duration of the lease.


1 (b)      That the approved Option is subject to the necessary statutory consents being obtained including planning permission within the 2 year period.


1 (c)      That the Waste to Energy facility will provide an avenue for the disposal of all non-recycled domestic waste collected by the Council or its contractors in Northampton.


1 (d)  That the business case for the Waste to Energy plant is robust and helps to bring significant bottom-line financial benefits to the Council’s General Fund Budget for waste operations through the disposal of domestic waste within the Council’s future Waste Strategy.


1 (e) The Option Agreement is subject to 6 monthly reports back to the Council to assess progress against the Option conditions.


1 (f)       That the Option Agreement is subject to the Developer undertaking a full consultation with the local community and a full report to the Council on this consultation detailing how it is planned to respond to it at each stage.


1 (g)      That any relocation costs involved in exercising the preferred Option will be met by the developer. Should the development require the Council to re-position or alter waste or environmental services on the Westbridge site the JV will meet those costs.



St Giles Street - Public Realm Improvements pdf icon PDF 148 KB

B Report of Director of Regeneration, Enterprise and Planning (Copy herewith)


1.    Cabinet gave approval for the Council to improve the first phase of the public realm improvements to St Giles Street by renewing the footpaths and carriageway surfaces.


2.    Cabinet gave approval for the Council to enter into a Funding Agreement with Northamptonshire County Council enabling the works to be completed by them as Highways Authority.


3.    Cabinet gave approval for currently identified capital monies within this year’s Capital Programme for ‘Town Centre Public Realm’ to be allocated to this project.



Councillor McCutcheon addressed Cabinet and commented that he welcomed the investment being put into St Giles Street but expressed concerns with regards to funding. He also requested that ‘black top’ and chewing gum be kept on top of.


Councillor Hadland as the relevant Cabinet Member submitted a report and elaborated thereon. He stated that the public trader’s consultation had gone very well. He noted that the intention was to carry out the work with minimal disruption and reported that the Council needed to build on its strengths, St Giles Street being one of them.


The Leader commented that voting was open until Friday 13th November 2015 for St Giles Street to be nominated as best High Street and urged people to be proud of the unique shopping experience St Giles Street offered.




1.    That approval be given for the Council to improve the first phase of the public realm improvements to St Giles Street by renewing the footpaths and carriageway surfaces.


2.    That approval be given for the Council to enter into a Funding Agreement with Northamptonshire County Council enabling the works to be completed by them as Highways Authority.


3.    That approval be given for currently identified capital monies within this year’s Capital Programme for ‘Town Centre Public Realm’ to be allocated to this project.



Greyfriars development pdf icon PDF 150 KB

B Report of the Director of Regeneration, Enterprise and Planning (Copy herewith)


1.    Cabinet noted the current progress being made with the site.


2.    Cabinet approved the selection process of a development partner.


3.    Cabinet approved the establishment of a Cabinet Advisory Group to advise and liaise with officers during the selection process.  The Leader of the Council will Chair the Group as outlined in para 4.6 of the report.


4.    Cabinet agreed that a further update report is brought to Cabinet in April 2016 for a final decision on the potential development partner.



Councillor Cali addressed Cabinet stating that the Greyfriars development was crucial to the Town Centre and that it was imperative for the right kind of development to be agreed.


Councillor Hadland as the relevant Cabinet Member submitted a report and noted that included in the report was the timetable for the process. He explained that there would be legal and commercial support from relevant expertise. He noted that appendix a of the report included the model of the Cabinet Advisory Group that would be established, ultimately leading to a preferred developer being recommended to Cabinet.




1.    That the current progress being made with the site be noted.


2.    That the selection process of a development partner be approved.


3.    That the establishment of a Cabinet Advisory Group to advise and liaise with officers during the selection process be approved.  The Leader of the Council would Chair the Group as outlined in para 4.6 of the report.


4.    That it be agreed that a further update report is brought to Cabinet in April 2016 for a final decision on the potential development partner.



Northampton Armed Forces Community Covenant - Annual Progress Report pdf icon PDF 195 KB

Report of Director of Customers and Communities (Copy herewith)


Cabinet affirmed its continuing support for the Northampton Armed Forces Community Covenant and noted progress to date.


Councillor T Eales addressed Cabinet and stated that she fully supported the report and recommendations as the Armed Forces were a credit to all of the Country.


Councillor Eldred as the relevant Cabinet Member submitted a report and commented that the Council continued to work with the Royal British Legion to ensure that homes were available to service personnel. He also stated that uniformed Armed Forces persons would be welcomed into the Town Centre




That continuing support for the Northampton Armed Forces Community Covenant be affirmed and progress to date was noted.


Finance and Performance Report to 30th September 2015 pdf icon PDF 154 KB

B Report of the Chief Executive (Copy herewith)

Additional documents:


1.    Cabinet reviewed the contents of the report and appendices.

2.    Cabinet noted the changes to the 2015-16 General Fund Capital Programme as detailed in Appendix 3 of the report.



Councillor Stone addressed Cabinet and commented that she wished for the Audit Committee and Overview and Scrutiny Committee would be given to chance to examine the forecast overspend of LGSS relating to the underachievement of budgeted savings for Revenue and Benefits, which used to be the flag ship of the Council.

Councillor Ashraf commented that there had been ongoing problems with rubbish collections and Amey. She also noted that there appeared to be a lack of information for landlord of Houses in Multiple Occupancy (HMOs).

The Leader commented that a helpline had been set up to deal with any problems with bins and recycling and that the challenges of the contract had been inherited and thanked Councillor Ashraf for bringing it to Cabinet’s attention.

Councillor Duffy commented that she had concerns of the number of people who were sleeping rough which she regarded as too high.

Councillor Hallam submitted a report as the relevant Cabinet Member and noted that of the rough sleepers referred to, 12 of them were of Eastern European recourse and that the Council were offering them help. He also commented that there were a number of rough sleepers who had been offered accommodation, but had been barred from Oasis House for numerous reasons. Referring to Councillor Stone’s address, Councillor Hallam stated that the Council were managing their finances very well and that there had been a £300k underspend and therefore the figures should be looked at as a total.


1.    That the contents of the report and appendices be reviewed.

2.    That the changes to the 2015-16 General Fund Capital Programme as detailed in Appendix 3 of the report be noted.