Agenda and minutes

Venue: Jeffery Room, Guildhall on the rising of the Cabinet meeting starting at 6.00pm

Note No. Item






Deputations/Public Addresses



That S Bell, C Russell, M Clarke, C Grethe, D Munday, C Bricher, D Labrum, Councillor Roy, T Clarke and Councillor Boss be granted leave to address the Cabinet in respect of item 4 “Budget 2007/08 – 2009/20”.


Declarations of Interest





Budget 2007/08- 2009/10 (CPFSP) pdf icon PDF 340 KB

Report of Director of Finance (copy herewith)

Presented By: I. Thompson x 8339

Additional documents:


S Bell on behalf of Northampton Voluntary Sector Community Forum commented that whilst she was relieved that the proposed reduction in funding to the voluntary sector was only £50,000 she was concerned at a further proposed £100,000 reduction in 2008/09.  Councillor Hadland commented that there had been an error and that there was no proposed further reduction in community grants in 2008/09.  S Bell thanked Councillor Hadland for his comment and stated that the voluntary sector groups had just completed three year funding bids and completed their budgets on the basis of full funding being available.  She noted that the voluntary sector had already absorbed cost of living increases over several years.


M Clark expressed concerns on behalf of the smaller organisations that received small grants including the BME groups that had no other sources of funding.


C Grethe commented that he was glad that Lings Forum had been saved from closure, it was a vital facility for the Eastern area.  He also commented that grants to Shopmobility, the Door to Door service were also very important.  He made reference to a particular community centre that was currently closed due to structural problems which appeared to be taking a very long time to sort out.  He also commented that the proposals to merge Money Advice with the First Stop Shop could make things worse.


D Munday on behalf of the Royal and Derngate Theatre commented that three funders to the Trust had already indicated that they would reduce their funding.  The Arts Council had already commenced discussions for the disinvestment of their £678,000 grant.  This would put the Trust in the position of being insolvent.  The Trust had received some 9,000 communications in support of their plight.  D Munday also referred to the Northampton Central Area Report by BDP Consultants that highlighted Angel Street/Derngate as an important part of the regeneration of the town centre as a cultural quarter.  She also referred to articles in The Guardian and Telegraph highlighting the difficulties of the Derngate and Royal Theatres.  She commented that the proposals did not make sense.


C Bricher on behalf of the Christian People’s Alliance Party commented that the loss of grant to the Derngate would be catastrophic and that the town would become a cultural desert.  With cuts to street cleaning the environment of the town would worsen.  He had some sympathy with the position that the Council was in but queried why buses had not been included in the debate and why the Council Tax was set to rise by 5%.  Was this a reflection of Central Government placing more demands on Local Government?  Mr Bricher made reference to consultants fees and housekeeping issues such as refreshments, the Mayoralty and notepads.  He also queried whether the tourism service could be moved into a smaller area in the One Stop Shop.  He also queried whether this same funding situation would recur again in future years.


D Labrum asked whether the Cabinet had considered the implications for reductions in  ...  view the full minutes text for item 4.