Agenda and minutes

Venue: The Holding Room, The Guildhall, St. Giles Square, Northampton, NN1 1DE. View directions

Contact: Alice Morgan  0300 330 7000 e-mail:

No. Item


Welcome, introductions and apologies pdf icon PDF 185 KB


Apologies received from Cllr Anna King, John (Nene CCG) and Liz (Beaumont Society).


Minutes and matters arising pdf icon PDF 293 KB


Minutes were agreed as a true record.


Matters arising


Matthew advised that the Fostering event went ahead at the Park Inn last Saturday. 12 people attended – which worked well for a focus group. NCC representatives attended, as well as current foster carers and also people interested in fostering. Some funding is left over from the event; Matthew is going to liaise with NCF who awarded the funding to ask that the remaining funding is used to create a resource pack for LGBTQ people interested in fostering.




Northamptonshire Police, Hate Crime Update - Chief Inspector Gary Ashton


Update from Chief Inspector Gary Ashton


The Hate Crime Strategy is now finalised, and a delivery plan has been created, which will involve the setting up of a delivery group to move the strategy forward.


A risk assessment and escalation mechanism for Hate Crime has already been introduced. An Independent Review Panel has also been set up, which will be brought a random selection of depersonalised medium and high risk cases, to perform a ‘critical friend’ function.


Question: Will the Independent Review Panel be purely for Hate Crime, or utilised for other areas of policing also?


In the past, the IAGs (Independent Advisory Groups) were not always brought issues of sufficient gravity, and struggled with membership. There is a possibility that the Independent Review Panel could be used for issues of sufficient gravity in the future.


Question: Is there LGBTQ representation on the Independent Review Panel.


Action: Chief Inspector Ashton will get an answer for this question to the forum.



The ASBU unit is going to be restructured, with one county wide unit which will incorporate ASBU, Hate Crime and Community Engagement Officers. A Hate Crime Coordinator role is also being introduced as it was identified there was a gap which this role will address. The post will be responsible for ensuring all staff know how to deal effectively with hate crime, and also work with Third Sector partners to ensure they are equipped also.


Chief Inspector Ashton is regularly in contact with NREC.


An internal training needs assessment has been running, ending at the end of this week. Once this has concluded, training solution will be put together with training providers.


Will raised an experience with front line staff, who did not understand what ‘Trans’ is, when he reported a hate incident on behalf of a young person. This could be a great stumbling block for someone reporting.


Chief Inspector Ashton advised that Hate Crime Champions have been appointed, who can be approached for support and advice within the force, when colleagues are dealing with dealing with hate crime or incidents.


Hate crime date reports can now be produced, and data can be extracted from this. 


Question: Are transgender hate crime identifiable, or are they incorporated within LGBTQ?


Specific types of hate crime, such as Transgender Hate, can be identified. The data has a greater breakdown of types of hate crime, plus greater detail of each incident.


There have been a significant upturn in the reporting of incidents. This could be down to two factors; that the importance of reporting has been pushed, and that the system now more effectively picks out hate incidents.


Question: Does the Force have the resource to interrogate the data?


Northamptonshire Police are currently recruiting the Hate Crime Coordinator, who will be responsible for this.


Action: AM to invite Chief Inspector Ashton and the newly appointed Hate Crime Coordinator, to the next meeting in November.


Attendees discussed the importance of partnership working when working with those who have experienced hate crimes and incidents. Chief  ...  view the full minutes text for item 3.


Action plans


Umbrella Fair


Q stage – line up has been confirmed. There will be a back projection within the gazebo, and an idea has been discussed about having a fun photo booth, with the images being projected onto the screen. Two smaller gazebos will be erected just outside the tent with information, for the tent to be more approachable.




Outlaws would like to do more outreach, and will be involved. Outlaws will be liaising with the Umbrella Fair to hold some Touch Rugby sessions at the festival.


Flyers are available from the Pavilion, if organisations would like to display/distribute some, all help would be appreciated.




Winter Pride


National Lottery funding has been released for events that bring communities together. Matthew suggested a ‘Winter Pride idea’. Attendees agreed this would be a good idea to progress, and there are a lot of Pride events in the summer, which often overlap.


Brainstorming for the event included:

·         Venue -  ‘Pride Quarter’. Pride taking over the Cultural Quarter. Seek to utilise space at the Royal and Derngate, Errol Flynn, Museum (if available), NN Café, NN Gallery and the Mailcoach.

Action: Alice to find out whether the museum will still be available.

·         Activities – community stalls, market place style area, cabaret, spoken word, interactive intergenerational visual arts piece (video or instant photo – ‘Being Gay in Northampton 2016, and 20/30 years ago), Gay Rights key speakers, acoustic music session.

·         Discussed that an event such as this should have a big impact, great visibility and be bold.

·         Lighting for the area – light up the Guildhall in rainbow colours, and/or the venues in different rainbow colours throughout the cultural quarter.

Action: Will to get an approximate quotation.

·         Idea to put on a return coach from other areas of the county.


Matt is meeting with Vicki Rockall and Cllr King to start looking at the funding. Following this meeting, Alice to set up a working group.




Community Information Exchange


Will: Lowdown parent group has started meeting at the Elgar Centre in Upton. There has been a good attendance, with 10 parents at each of the first two sessions.

Extended family would be welcome, i.e. Grandparents, Aunties, Uncles, however the purpose of the group is to provide a safe space for parents to ask the difficult questions that they have, to share experiences, and for support. The group is also open for LGBTQ parents.

Lowdown’s youth group is continually growing, with 35-40 regular attendees each week, approximately two thirds are transgender young people, and one third lesbian, gay, bisexual or questioning. Often friends of LGBTQ young people also attend, or those who do not feel comfortable at other youth clubs. The group meets at the Lowdown every Friday. All are welcome. Volunteers are always needed, please make contact if you are interested.

Lowdown’s older group for 18-25’s now meet at the Lab every other Thursday. Around 10 people attend this regularly, and this is expected to grow.




Any Other Business


Alice provided an update from the NBC Partnerships and Communities Team – working on the 2016 Stonewall Equality Index submission; an internal working group for this has been set up for this purpose, which will be developing an action plan for NBC. An internal staff network has also been set up, which currently has four members.


Items for Future Meetings


Hate Crime

Winter Pride


Date Of Next Meeting

Tuesday 20th September (Social), date and time to be confirmed.

Tuesday 22nd November, 6:30pm, the Holding Room, the Guildhall




Next social meeting - Tuesday 27th September, further details will be circulated nearer the time.


Next formal meeting – Tuesday 22nd November, 6:30pm, The Holding Room, The Guildhall