Agenda and minutes

Venue: The Holding Room, The Guildhall, St. Giles Square, Northampton, NN1 1DE. View directions

Contact: Lindsey Ambrose  01604 837566 or 0779 53 33 687 e-mail:

No. Item


Welcome and Introductions- Including to new Councillor Co Chair Anna King


Acting Co-Chair Thomas Hall welcomed everyone to the meeting.




The Minutes were agreed.


Matters Arising


Matters for action had been done, except that Lesbian Line had not yet had a chance to build their Facebook page.




Apologies were received from Barry Hansford (Co-Chair) and Cllr Anna King (Co-Chair).


Northampton Borough Council Budget Consultation

Detailed information included with agenda or go to


A powerpoint presentation was given which covered most of the budget options in the consultation. Questionnaires for the survey were given out. People were made aware that there was more information available online and the opportunity to comment online and at various meetings.


Thomas Hall noted it was very useful to have the Forums networks inputs to get a wide perspective on the issues and in particular any impacts people thought the council might have missed in relation to equalities and diversity.


Comments made were that people welcomed the commitment by the council to maintain grants funding.


In relation to the proposals to cut funding which contributed towards 3 Police Community Support Officer roles, comments were made that people might ‘feel’ more secure through seeing high visibility community roles like that on the streets. There were some perceptions that there might be linked or cumulative impacts between proposals variously by the Police, County Council and NBC to cut Police Community Support Officers, other Police, street lighting and CCTV services.


There was a wish that in relation to the Gateway option, there would be ways for people to make contact anonymously at first e.g. by email and phone.


There was some concern about the possible impacts on LGBT groups depending on what would happen in the course of the due review of concessions for non-domestic rates and it was hoped the council would have due regard to these at the appropriate time.


Further to the meeting

The comments were forwarded into the consultation process and considered by officers who, where appropriate, published revised equality impact assessments taking account of community feedback, in good time for the decision-makers to consider ahead of the council meeting to set the budget.


Review of World AIDS Day event 2011


The forum looked at photos from the event which had been published on Facebook to reach more people and show them how lots of people from across the communities in Northampton, together with the Leader of the Council and other councillors including Cllr Anna King, had come together for World AIDS Day and a moving ceremony in the Guildhall courtyard.


There was discussion about the value of the council recognising World AIDS Day. Views were that to lose it would suggest that the council don’t think it’s important, whereas marking the Day helps to raise awareness of HIV and the prejudice and stigma sufferers and their families and carers still face.


The forum members said they liked the fact the council marks the Day and lights up the Guildhall in red as a show of support.


It was felt that there had been a good turnout with good amount of youth involvement, despite the financial challenges faced by people in the community. SOLAR were to be thanked and commended for their efforts.


There was interest in doing more joint working.


Hate Crime:Update


It was noted that the Stamp out Hate Crime exhibition was in the People’s Gallery at Northampton Museum and Art Gallery until 4 March 2012. It had been decided to run the exhibition to mark Holocaust Memorial Day and through LGBT History month.


A powerpoint presentation prepared by members of the Northampton Youth Forum was being shown in the mini-cinema within the gallery and referred to LGBT History month, issues of gay hate (including a message from a young man who had been bullied because of his sexuality) and help available including from Stonewall.


One of the cases in the exhibition had a special focus on LGBT equality. Thanks to Matthew Toresen it included a framed poster about section 28, helping to recognise struggles not so long ago in this country. The case also included statements from local people and printed exhibition boards concerning homophobia and bullying. There was also reference to the treatment of gay people in the Holocaust.


The young man who had sent in his ‘message’ for others for inclusion in the printed exhibition boards and the powerpoint show was among those invited to the “VIP Time” at the exhibition due to happen in February, along with other contributors such as Matthew.


Nominations were being sought for Anne Frank awards with a view to recognising unsung heroes and thanking people for their contribution to the community. A simple online form was at and the closing date for nominations was 5 May 2012. Nominees and winners would be invited to go on the big stage at Northampton Carnival on Saturday 9 June 2012 to collect their awards.


Community Information Exchange


Gracie handed out leaflets about upcoming Link meetings.  


Lesbian Line advised about their disco on 3 March 2012. They had not yet had time to build their Facebook page but were hoping to do so soon.


FAN were hoping to launch a social enterprise drawing on the expertise of the LGBT community to help improve care homes in meeting LGBT community needs.


FAN’s Christmas Ball had been a big success. The Northampton Youth Forum’s Stamp out Hate Crime stand had been popular, getting lots of signatures on pledge-boards now included in the Stamp out Hate Crime exhibition in the Museum.


At Northampton Guildhall, the annual Holocaust Memorial Day flower-laying ceremony in the courtyard would be on 27 January 11am and the LGBT community should be represented. An event was due to recognise Holocaust Memorial Day on evening of 30 January. All were welcome to attend both.


Date Of Next Meeting

Next Meeting 13 March 2012


The next meeting would be on 13 March 2012 at 6.30pm at Northampton Guildhall.


Anyone wishing to contribute items for the Agenda should contact Lindsey Ambrose email: or tel/text: 0779 53 33 687