Agenda and minutes

Venue: Jeffery Room

Contact: Jo Darby 01604 837089 Email: 

No. Item




Apologies had been received from Councillors R Conroy, I Markham and M Taylor.




The Minutes of the meeting held on 8 December 2010 were agreed as a true record and signed by the Chair.


Deputations / Public Addresses



That the persons referred to in the items on the private agenda be granted leave to address the Committee.


Declarations of Interest


Councillor I Choudary declared personal and prejudicial interests in item 9, ‘Review of a Private Hire Driver’s Licence’ and item 10, ‘Review of a Private Hire Driver’s Licence’ as he was known to both drivers concerned.  He withdrew from the meeting for the duration of both items.


Matters of Urgency which by reason of special circumstances the chair is of the opinion should be considered


The Chair reminded Members of future meetings and requested attendance at a Sub-Committee hearing on 3 February.  Councillors I Choudary, C Lill and PM Varnsverry agreed to attend.


Exclusion of Public and Press

The Chair to Move:

“that the public and press be excluded from the remainder of the meeting on the grounds that there is likely to be disclosure to them of such categories of exempt information as defined by section 100(1) of the Local Government Act 1972 as listed against such items of business by reference to the appropriate paragraph of Schedule 12a to such act.”


The Chair moved that the Public and Press be excluded from the remainder of the meeting on the grounds that there was likely to be disclosure to them of such categories of exempt information as defined by Section 100(1) of the Local Government Act 1972 as listed against such items of business by reference to the appropriate paragraph of Schedule 12A to such Act.


The Motion was Carried.


Review of a Private Hire Driver's Licence

Report of the Borough Solicitor


The driver confirmed that he had received the relevant paperwork and the Licensing Officer outlined the circumstances of the conviction as set out in the report.


The Committee heard the representations made and reached a decision with regard to the suspension or revocation of the driver’s private hire licence based on the evidence presented.



(1)   That the driver was not a fit and proper person to continue to hold a Private Hire Driver’s Licence.

(2)   That the Private Hire Driver’s Licence be suspended for 6 weeks following a period of 21 days during which the driver had the right of appeal to the Magistrates’ Court.


Review of a Private Hire Driver's Licence

Report of the Borough Solicitor


The driver confirmed that he had received the relevant paperwork and the Licensing Officer outlined the circumstances of the conviction as set out in the report.


The Committee heard the representations made and reached a decision with regard to the suspension or revocation of the driver’s private hire licence based on the evidence presented.



(1)   That the driver was not a fit and proper person to continue to hold a Private Hire Driver’s Licence.

(2)   That the Private Hire Driver’s Licence be suspended for 3 months following a period of 21 days during which the driver had the right of appeal to the Magistrates’ Court.


Review of a Private Hire Driver's Licence

Report of the Borough Solicitor


Councillor I Choudary, having declared a personal and prejudicial interest, left the meeting for the duration of this item.


The Committee, being satisfied that the papers had been correctly served, agreed to hear the evidence and reach a decision in the absence of the driver. The Licensing Officer then outlined the circumstances of the conviction as set out in the report.


The Committee reached a decision with regard to the suspension or revocation of the driver’s private hire licence based on the evidence presented.



(1)   That the driver was not a fit and proper person to continue to hold a Private Hire Driver’s Licence.

(2)   That the Private Hire Driver’s Licence be revoked following a period of 21 days during which the driver had the right of appeal to the Magistrates’ Court.


Review of a Private Hire Driver's Licence

Report of the Borough Solicitor


Councillor I Choudary, having declared a personal and prejudicial interest, left the meeting for the duration of this item.


The Committee heard the representations made and reached a decision with regard to the suspension or revocation of the driver’s Private Hire Licence based on the evidence presented.



(1)   That the driver was not a fit and proper person to continue to hold a Private Hire Driver’s Licence.

(2)   That the Private Hire Driver’s Licence be suspended for 6 weeks following a period of 21 days during which the driver had the right of appeal to the Magistrates’ Court.


Review of a Private Hire Driver's Licence

Report of the Borough Solicitor


The driver confirmed that he had received the relevant paperwork and the Licensing Officer outlined the circumstances of the conviction as set out in the report.


The Committee heard the representations made and reached a decision with regard to the suspension or revocation of the driver’s private hire licence based on the evidence presented.



(1)   That the driver was not a fit and proper person to continue to hold a Private Hire Driver’s Licence.

(2)   That the Private Hire Driver’s Licence be suspended for 4 weeks following a period of 21 days during which the driver had the right of appeal to the Magistrates’ Court.


Review of a Private Hire Driver's Licence

Report of the Borough Solicitor


The Committee, being satisfied that the papers had been correctly served, agreed to hear the evidence and reach a decision in the absence of the driver. The Licensing Officer then outlined the circumstances of the conviction as set out in the report.


The Committee reached a decision with regard to the suspension or revocation of the driver’s private hire licence based on the evidence presented.



(1)   That the driver was not a fit and proper person to continue to hold a Private Hire Driver’s Licence.

(2)   That the Private Hire Driver’s Licence be suspended for three months following a period of 21 days during which the driver had the right of appeal to the Magistrates’ Court.