Agenda and minutes

Venue: Council Chamber

Contact: Jo Darby 01604 837089 Email: 

No. Item




Apologies had been received from Councillors R Conroy, Duncan, Tavener and Taylor.




Approval of the minutes of the meeting held on 4th November was deferred as not all of the Committee members had read them.


Deputations / Public Addresses


There were none.


Declarations of Interest


Councillor Choudary declared a personal and prejudicial interest in Item 9, “Review of Private Hire Driver’s Licence”, as he was known to the driver concerned.


Matters of Urgency which by reason of special circumstances the chair is of the opinion should be considered


There were none.


Exclusion of Public and Press

The Chair to Move:

“that the public and press be excluded from the remainder of the meeting on the grounds that there is likely to be disclosure to them of such categories of exempt information as defined by section 100(1) of the Local Government Act 1972 as listed against such items of business by reference to the appropriate paragraph of Schedule 12a to such act.”


The Chair moved that the Public and Press be excluded from the remainder of the meeting on the grounds that there was likely to be disclosure to them of such categories of exempt information as defined by Section 100(1) of the Local Government Act 1972 as listed against such items of business by reference to the appropriate paragraph of Schedule 12A to such Act.


The Motion was Carried.


Review of Private Hire Driver's Licence

Report of the Borough Solicitor


The Committee read correspondence sent to the driver informing him of the hearing and were satisfied that due notice had been served.  It was agreed unanimously that the case would be heard in the driver’s absence.  As there were no additional mitigating circumstances presented to the Committee, they made a decision based on the information contained in the report.



That the Private Hire Licence be suspended for a period of three months.


Review of Private Hire Driver's Licence

Report of the Borough Solicitor


The Committee heard the representations made and reached a decision with regard to the suspension or revocation of the driver’s private hire licence based on the evidence presented.



That the private hire licence be suspended for a period of two weeks.


Review of Private Hire Driver's Licence

Report of the Borough Solicitor


Councillor Choudary had declared a personal and prejudicial interest as he was know to the driver and withdrew from the meeting for the duration of the item.


The Committee heard the representations made and reached a decision with regard to the suspension or revocation of the driver’s private hire licence based on the evidence presented.



That, in view of the personal circumstances of the driver, no further action would be taken.


Review of Private Hire Driver's Licence

Report of the Borough Solicitor


The Committee read correspondence sent to the driver informing him of the hearing and were satisfied that due notice had been served.  The Licensing Officer had received an indication from the driver that he was intending to be present at the hearing as he wished to apologise to the Committee in person. It was agreed unanimously that the case would be heard in the driver’s absence. As there were no further mitigating circumstances presented to the Committee, they made a decision based on the information contained in the report.



That the Private Hire Licence be suspended for a period of two months.


Review of Private Hire Driver's Licence

Report of the Borough Solicitor


The Licensing Officer had been made aware that the driver was currently not in the country and could not be certain that due notice had been served on him in relation to the hearing.  It was therefore agreed that the matter would be deferred to a future date.  The Licensing Officer was asked to make enquiries as to the expected date of the driver’s return so that a suitable date could be fixed.



That the review be deferred until such time as the driver returned to the country and due notice could be served.


Review of Private Hire Driver's Licence

Report of the Borough Solicitor


The Committee heard the representations made and reached a decision with regard to the suspension or revocation of the driver’s private hire licence based on the evidence presented.



That the private hire licence be suspended for a period of two weeks.