Agenda and minutes

Venue: The Guildhall

No. Item


Declarations of Interest


1.          Councillor Larratt declared a personal interest in Item 13, Cabinet Member Presentations, in so far as health and safety was mentioned, as he was an employee of the HSE.


2.          Councillor Clarke declared a personal interest in Item 13, Cabinet Member Presentations, in so far as street football was mentioned, as he was an employee of Northampton Town Football Club and in respect of any reference to Northampton Islamic Association, of which he was a supporter.



To approve the minutes of the proceedings of the Meetings of the Council held on 8, 14 and 28 September 2009.


The minutes of the meetings of Council held on 8, 14 and 28 September 2009 were signed by the Mayor. 




Apologies were received from Councillors Hadland and M Hoare. 


Mayor's Announcements.


The Mayor reported that earlier in the day he had met staff and residents who had contributed towards Northampton’s success in “Britain in Bloom”.  The Mayor presented Martin Gambol and Kevin Woods, from Neighbourhood Environmental Services, with their trophies.  The Mayor also congratulated the other winners of various categories: St Andrews Hospital, Bridgewater Primary School, Spinney Hill Public House, Shoosmiths Solicitors, Spring Boroughs Residents Association and those involved with the maintenance and conservation of Bradlaugh Fields. 


The Mayor announced to a “curry evening” in support of the Mayor’s charities to be held on 22 November at The Royal Bengal restaurant and also to the Civic Gala, which would take place on 27 November at The Park Inn Hotel.


Statement by the Leader of the Council


The Leader of the Council reported that he was stepping down as Leader of the Council.  He had taken the role on in 2007, which he had regarded as being a privilege.  He had made a mistake for which the Standards Committee had found him in breach of the Model Code of Conduct and at their behest he had written to each Councillor apologising for his actions.  Due to the ongoing furore generated by the press and some elements of the public, he had concluded, regretfully, that he should step down as Leader of the Council for the good governance of the Council and the future of the Lib Dem Group.  He believed the press comments and public reaction had, in part, been disproportionate to his situation.  However, he had been heartened by the support he had received from other sections of the public, partners and colleagues.  He expressed the hope that the inaccurate coverage of this matter would not put people off from standing to be candidates for any of the political parties, as the Council needed good people on it.  He was pleased to leave the Council in a stronger position than he found it and would continue to serve the Council to the best of his ability. 


Election of Leader of the Council

Councillor David Perkins to propose and Councillor Tony Woods to second "That Councillor Brian Hoare be appointed Leader of the Council."


Councillor Perkins proposed and Councillor Woods seconded that Councillor Brian Hoare be elected Leader of the Council.


Upon a requisition for a recorded vote:


There voted for the motion:


Councillors Beardsworth, S Chaudhury, Church, Collins, J Conroy, R Conroy, Crake, De Cruz, Garlick, Glynane, B Hoare, Hollis, B Markham, I Markham, Matthews, Meredith, Perkins, Simpson, Taylor, P M Varnsverry, P D Varnsverry, Wilson, Woods and Yates.


There voted against the motion:




There abstained:


The Mayor and Councillors Capstick, Caswell, I Choudary, Clarke, Davies, Duncan, Edwards, Flavell, Golby, Hawkins, Lane, Larratt, C Lill, J Lill, Malpas, Mason, Mildren, Palethorpe, Reeve and Scott. 


RESOLVED: That Councillor Brian Hoare be elected Leader of the Council.


Election of Deputy Leader of the Council

Councillor Richard Church to propose and Councillor John Yates to second "That Councillor Paul Varnsverry be appointed Deputy Leader of the Council."


Councillor Church proposed and Councillor Yates seconded that Councillor Paul Varnsverry be elected Deputy Leader of the Council.  


RESOLVED: That Councillor Paul Varnsverry be elected Deputy Leader of the Council.


Appointment of Cabinet by Leader of the Council


The Leader of the Council reported that the Cabinet Members would be as follows:


Councillor Beardsworth – Housing

Councillor Church – Planning and Regeneration

Councillor Perkins – Finance

Councillor Crake – Environment


and that the Portfolio responsibilities for himself and Councillors P D Varnsverry and B Markham would be advised to Members of the Council in due course.


Appointments to Outside Bodies pdf icon PDF 72 KB


The Leader of the Council presented a list of appointments to outside bodies that had been adjusted to take account of the change in leadership.  It was noted that in respect of the WNDC Board, that Councillor Church was in fact a nominee of the County Council and that the Council’s second nominee was Mr Lee Baron.  It was also noted that Councillor Hawkins would be resigning from the Northampton Twinning Association.


RESOLVED: That the list of Council representatives on outside bodies be received and that the Chief Executive, in consultation with the Leader of the Council, be authorised to make any necessary adjustments. 




The Mayor was of the opinion that the following item be discussed as a Matter of Urgency due to the undue delay if consideration of it were deferred:




The Leader of the Council referred to the report, which had been circulated to Members, that set out the representation of the political groups and sought approval to the number of seats on each Committee as detailed within it.  Councillor P D Varnsverry seconded adoption of the report.


Councillor Clarke expressed concern that the Independent Group should be represented on all the major Committees of the Council.  The Mayor commented that legal advice had been sought and the proposal before Council was perfectly acceptable.


RESOLVED: 1. That a number of seats on each Committee as set out in the report be approved.


                        2. That the representation of the political groups, as set out in the report, be noted.


Appointments to Committees and Sub- Committees


The Leader of the Council reported that the Administration had made the following appointments to Chairs and Deputy Chairs of Committees and that any other changes would be notified to Councillors separately:


Councillor Yates – Chair of Overview and Scrutiny 1

Councillor P M Varnsverry – Deputy Chair of Overview and Scrutiny 2

Councillor Garlick – Deputy Chair of Overview and Scrutiny 3

Councillor Collins – Chair of Planning

Councillor Woods – Chair of Audit

Councillor B Hoare – Chair of Appointments and Appeals.


Councillor Palethorpe commented that Councillor Reeve would replace Councillor J Lill on Overview and Scrutiny 2 and that Councillor J Lill would replace Councillor Reeve on Overview and Scrutiny 1.


Councillor Davies indicated that there was no change to his Group’s representation.


Councillor Clarke indicated that his Group was not in agreement with the proportionality arrangements agreed by Council and that his Group would not be making appointments to Committees at the present time. 


RESOLVED: That the appointments to Committees be noted and that in respect of those affecting the Planning and Licensing Committees and the Cabinet, that these changes taken effect from Wednesday 28 October 2009.


Public Comments and Petitions


Mr Swinn commented that his comments were primarily directed to the Portfolio Holder for Engagement.  He stated that as a tenant, he had been invited to participate in the Tenant Review.  However, he had not been able to confirm any tenant involvement in the Equality Impact Assessment of the process.  He referred to the forthcoming budget process and the fact that there was no small grants budget and that a community asset transfer of community centres might provide a way forward in respect of the review of them.  Mr Swinn queried whether external consultants followed NBC’s consultation policies as a matter of course.  He also supported the new build Council housing that the Council had secured. 


Mr Adams reminded the Administration of their manifesto commitment to remove the Delapre bund and queried when this would take place.


Ms Mennell commented that the Portfolio Holder for Housing’s comments on homelessness were welcome and she asked if the Portfolio Holder could write to her with the figure for those regarded as homeless.  She was pleased with the new Council houses that would be built.  She was also pleased with the progress made on recycling but had noted national reports on increases to landfill charges.  She believed that there would be much work needed to educate people to recycle more.  In respect of the Finance Portfolio Holder’s report she welcomed the new accommodation for Shop Mobility.


Member and Public Question Time pdf icon PDF 717 KB


The Mayor advised that four questions had been received from members of the public.  The questions and responses had been tabled in accordance with the Constitution.  It was noted that in the absence of Mr Costello his question and the response would be sent to him.


Mr Adams asked Councillor Beardsworth, as the relevant Portfolio Holder, a question in respect of how many Council housing surveys (type 2) asbestos had been undertaken during the period 1 March 2009 to 1 September 2009 and noted the response as tabled. 


Mr Adams asked a question of Councillor Beardsworth, as the relevant Portfolio Holder, in respect of instigating the review agreed by Council on the Sheltered Housing Floating Support Scheme.  He noted the response as tabled and queried whether rumours that letters were due to be sent to sheltered housing tenants indicating that the number of wardens would be reduced to four or six and would only visit grade 3 tenants were true.  Councillor Beardsworth stated that the rumour was not true. 


Mrs Lineker asked a question of Councillor Beardsworth, as the relevant Portfolio Holder, in respect of the number of households on the waiting list for Disabled Facilities Grants and noted the response as tabled.  Mrs Lineker asked how long people had to wait for adaptations to take place.  Councillor Beardsworth reported that in respect of private sector housing, the current wait was about six months and that two hundred and ninety five adaptations had been carried out this year.  In respect of Council tenants, the wait was about eight months and there were currently one hundred and fifteen applications outstanding.


Cabinet Member Presentations pdf icon PDF 123 KB

Additional documents:


At this point each of the Cabinet Members made a presentation on their respective portfolios, which had been circulated with the Agenda.  Councillor B Hoare commented that there would be no report from the Portfolio Holder for Partnerships and Improvement, although he would deal with any questions relating to this area of activity.  Councillor Clarke noted that Overview and Scrutiny had been promised a pre-scrutiny role in respect of the Review of Community Centres and that this appeared to have been changed to a review of the wider provision of facilities in the community available for community access.  He asked whether the Leader would adhere to the previous decision.  Councillor Davies noted that the Task and Finish Group had met recently (which Councillor Clarke was a member of) and had scoped their work in respect of community centre provision and had included the points that Councillor Clarke wished to raise.  Councillor B Hoare commented that he was happy to work with Overview and Scrutiny in respect of this matter. 


Councillor Beardsworth, the Portfolio Holder for Housing, submitted her report.  In answer to question from Councillor Reeve she noted that the move of an Options Officer to Mortgage Advice was a sign of the times and was an attempt to support people to prevent them from losing their homes.  She indicated that she would write to Councillor Reeve with the details of those that had taken advantage of the Mortgage Options Scheme.  Councillor Mildren asked how many tenant auditors there were, how they had been chosen, by what criteria and what training they had been given.  Councillor Beardsworth commented that tenant auditors were supported by the Council and given “light touch” training.  She undertook to write to Councillor Mildren in respect of the selection process.  Councillor Yates commented that he had been impressed by an exhibition in the Guildhall of the range of kitchens and bathrooms that tenants could opt for.


Councillor Crake, as the Portfolio Holder for Environment, submitted her report and noted that the reference under Parks and Open Spaces to “7 October” should in fact read “16 October”.  Councillor Larratt requested that his congratulations be passed on to employees in respect of the Council’s success in “Britain in Bloom”.  In respect of the rubbish amnesty across estates in Blackthorn, Thorplands, Goldings and Southfields in September, he asked if this would be extended to other areas of the town and, in particular, East Hunsbury.  Councillor Crake noted that the particular areas chosen had had a particular need and the work had been undertaken at no real extra cost, just extra loads to be moved.  She could not promise that this scheme would be extended across the Council.  The Council standpoint was to educate people about the proper way of disposing of rubbish.  Councillor Larratt, in noting the proposed lighting scheme in the Market Square, also commented on the issue of buildings wasting energy by being lit up at night and how this all fitted in with the Council reducing  ...  view the full minutes text for item 13.


Opposition Group Business

A motion of future policy proposed by Councillor Davies as follows:


“This Council notes that in forth-coming years there is likely to be much tighter budgetary constraints imposed by central government on local government spending.


This Council also notes that central government will require further efficiency savings from Northampton Borough Council, Northamptonshire County Council and local government across England and Wales. 


This Council further notes that despite a much tighter financial position there will be an increase in demand from the public and inspection agencies for better quality services and stronger local leadership provided by Northampton Borough Council.  


As a result it is the adopted position of this Council that unitary status for Northampton, would allow for both very significant efficiency savings and provide for more integrated services focused on the citizen.


In addition, with the growth agenda currently under way this Council whilst seeking unitary status in the medium term it also wishes to see a limited expansion of its current borough boundaries to incorporate the new development.”



Councillor Davies proposed and Councillor Scott seconded “That Council Procedural Rules be suspended under Rule 24 so as to allow a debate and vote to take place on the motion set out as Opposition Group business”. 


Upon a vote the motion to suspend Council Procedural Rules was carried.


Councillor Davies proposed and Councillor B Hoare seconded:


“That this Council notes that in forthcoming years there is likely to be much tighter budgetary constraints imposed by Central Government on Local Government spending. 


This Council also notes that Central Government will require further efficiency savings from Northampton Borough Council and Local Government across England and Wales. 


This Council further notes that despite a much tighter financial position there will be an increase in demand from the public and inspection agencies for better quality services and stronger local leadership provided by Northampton Borough Council. 


As a result it is the adopted position of this Council that unitary status for Northampton would allow for both very significant efficiency savings and provide for more integrated services focused on the citizens.


In addition with the growth agenda currently underway this Council whilst seeking unitary status in the medium term, it also wishes to see a limited expansion of its current borough boundaries to incorporate the new development.”


Council debated the motion.


Upon a requisition for a recorded vote, there voted for the motion:


The Mayor and Councillors Beardsworth, Capstick, S Chaudhury, I Choudary, Church, Clarke, Collins, J Conroy, R Conroy, Crake, Davies, Garlick, Glynane, Hawkins, B Hoare, Holliss, I Markham, Mason, Matthews, Meredith, Mildren, Perkins, Scott, Simpson, Taylor, P M Varnsverry, P D Varnsverry, Woods and Yates.


There voted against the motion:




There abstained:


Councillors Caswell, Duncan, Edwards, Flavell, Golby, Lane, Larratt, C Lill, J Lill, Malpas, Palethorpe and Reeve.


The motion was carried.


Member Development Annual Report 2008/09 pdf icon PDF 128 KB

Report of Director of Finance and Support (copy herewith)

Additional documents:


Councillor B Hoare submitted a report that set out the Member development training that had taken place during the previous year.


RESOLVED: That the report be noted.


Electoral Review pdf icon PDF 136 KB

Report of Chief Executive (copy herewith)

Additional documents:


Councillor B Hoare submitted a report, which notified Councillors of the commencement of the electoral review by the Boundary Commission and the establishment of a working party to agree submissions to the electoral review on behalf of Council.  Councillor Clarke expressed concern that Council itself should agree the submission to the review rather than this being delegated to a working party, given that all Councillors were likely to be affected by it.  Councillor B Hoare noted the response would be mostly on technical information and that any member of the public or Councillor or political party, residents association or Parish Council, etc could respond to the review.


RESOLVED: 1. That a Member Working Party be established to consider preparing and submissions to the electoral review on behalf of the Council.


                        2. That the Member Working Party be made up of two representatives from each political group and to be chaired by the Leader of the Council.


                        3. That the Member Working Party be delegated powers to consider, prepare and agree submissions to the electoral review including the electorate forecast, political management arrangements and consequent size of the Council, warding patterns and any other information that is requested.


                        4. That the Member Working Party invite contributions and input from Members and other interested members of the public to inform its proposals.


                        5. That the Member Working Party will only submit recommendations on issues that it is in full agreement about but will identify within its submissions any minority views that are held within the Working Party.


Notices of Motion


