Agenda and minutes

Venue: The Guildhall

No. Item


Declarations of Interest






Apologies were received from Councillors S Chaudhury, De Cruz, Davies, Edwards, Hawkins, B Hoare, M Hoare, Hollis, Mason, Scott and P M Varnsverry.


Mayor's Announcements.


The Mayor referred to the 200th Anniversary of the Battle of Talavera celebrations on 25 July 2009 and the Talavera Bowl that he had been presented with by C Company of 2nd Battalion Royal Anglian Regiment.  The Bowl had been commissioned in 1909 by the Officers of the Northamptonshire Regiment to mark the 100th Anniversary of the Battle and had been presented to the NCOs of the Regiment. 


The Mayor congratulated the Directorate of Environment and Culture and all those involved from the community for the award of Best Large Town in the East Midlands in the annual Britain in Bloom Competition.  It was the second year running that the Council together with local communities had won this award. 


The Mayor reported that the Council’s Trilogy Gyms had reached the finals of the Association for Public Service Excellence Team of the Year awards in the Leisure Cultural Services category and presented the Director of Environment and Culture with a certificate. 


The Mayor announced that Councillor Wilson was expecting a baby. 


Public Comments and Petitions




Member and Public Question Time pdf icon PDF 479 KB

(Questions and responses attached)


The Mayor advised that four questions had been received from members of the public and Councillors.  The questions and the responses had been tabled in accordance with the Constitution.  It was noted that in the absence of Mr Adams the questions and responses in respect of reform of council housing finance and PFI credits would be sent to him.


Councillor Malpas asked a question of Councillor Crake, as the relevant Portfolio Holder, in respect of the number of local businesses that had been approached to make their toilets available to the public and noted the response as tabled.  Councillor Malpas asked a supplementary question as to why this had taken so long for businesses to be approached.  Councillor Crake noted that the issue was complicated and needed to tie in with the refurbishment of the Market Square.


Councillor Malpas asked a question of Councillor Perkins, as the relevant Portfolio Holder, in respect of the amount of money that had been spent on postage and noted the response as tabled.  Councillor Malpas noted recent post that he had received and asked if the Portfolio Holder would investigate postings to Councillors.  Councillor Perkins noted Councillor Malpas’s comments and also commented that not all Councillors wished to receive post via email. 


Cabinet Member Presentations pdf icon PDF 170 KB



At this point each of the Cabinet Members made a presentation on their respective Portfolios, which had been circulated with the Agenda.  Councillor Woods, as the Leader of the Council and Portfolio Holder for Partnerships and Improvement, submitted his Portfolio update.  Councillor Clarke queried under the heading of “Improvement” the extent of discussions that may have taken place with Daventry District Council and Northamptonshire County Council in respect of shared services.  Councillor Woods commented that a number of partnership arrangements for a variety of services were being investigated.  He confirmed that partnership arrangements with the County Council were being explored.  He commented that the current situation was not similar to old style privatisation and that no internal bid was required.  Discussions would take place with possible partners and the existing internal service would be compared against that to see what improvements could be made.  Councillor Palethorpe, in referring to Planning Policy, queried whether progress had been made on extending the next bout of consultation on the Joint Core Strategy, due to it falling partly within the Christmas holidays.  Councillor Woods noted that the JPU had been working hard to analyse the responses received so far to the Emergent Joint Core Strategy and also to prepare the pre-submission draft.  There were many issues that needed to be addressed.  He commented that the process was revealing problems with the Regional Spatial Policy, in particular around the Northampton area.  Options were being investigated and this might lead to a possible delay in the pre-submission draft being prepared and consulted upon. 


In the absence of Councillor B Hoare, Councillor Woods presented the Portfolio Holder for Engagement’s report.  Councillor Golby queried the timescales for implementing any recommendations in respect of community centres and sought an assurance that solutions would not be a one size fits all approach and that everyone would be kept informed as to what was going on.  Councillor Woods indicated that timescales for this exercise could not be exact and he gave the reassurance that a one size fits all approach would not be adopted.  He would ask Councillor Hoare to write to Councillor Golby with further information.  Councillor Clarke referred to the questionnaire to users of the community centres, which in part had asked users to agree to community centres being closed if they were not viable.  He felt that such a question was not reasonable to ask users and queried what had happened to the questionnaire responses.  Councillor Woods commented that there was no intention to close community centres but, in conducting a review, all the options needed to be considered.  He would ask Councillor B Hoare to respond in more depth to Councillor Clarke. 


Councillor Beardsworth, as the Portfolio Holder for Housing, submitted her report and noted the success of the Council’s bid to provide new council housing in Woodside Way, which would be constructed to Sustainable Level 4 Standards.


Councillor Crake, the Portfolio Holder for Environment, submitted her report and noted that in the Britain in Bloom Competition  ...  view the full minutes text for item 6.


Opposition Group Business

To Follow


Councillor Clarke commented that the financial situation that the Council found itself in was unprecedented and that the size of the budget reduction sought for the current year had led to a difficult budget round.  He believed that most Councillors were unaware of exactly what cuts had been made.  He noted that the budget report did not inform Councillors of the consequence of those decisions.  He referred to a recent enquiry he had received in respect of rats and that the Council had made two decisions in its budget’s consideration on this matter.  Firstly, to introduce a charge for pest control, which then set those charges until 2010 and secondly, to cease pest control provision by direct contract when the current contract ended this year.  In reality this had become two decisions, firstly, to introduce charges and secondly, then to remove the service entirely.  He noted that Overview & Scrutiny had looked at the issues and had raised concerns.  He commented that in future Councillors needed to be absolutely aware of the impact of the decisions that they were being asked to make. 


Councillor Woods commented that Councillor Clarke had ignored reality, efficiency, economics and future costs of public service.  The Administration had not been hiding anything.  The budget report was clear.  Overview and Scrutiny had every opportunity to scrutinise the budget and all Councillors had had the opportunity to question it.  He recalled the only proposal that Opposition Councillors had made was to move £70,000 in an attempt to save the Balloon Festival.  He commented that the Administration had stabilised the Council and had established a capable management team and had reduced the Council’s running costs by about 20%.  He stated that the Administration had not reduced services but the Council was starting to move forward to build better quality services.


Councillor Clarke commented that Councillors needed to be clear if they were being asked to cease a service, such as the pest control service.  The fact that Councillors were being asked to agree charges for it did not seem to be the same as suggesting that the service be ended.  He commented that budget documents needed to be in plain English.


Minutes of West Northamptonshire Strategic Joint Planning Committee held on 17 February, 21 April and 6 July 2009 pdf icon PDF 2 MB


Additional documents:


Councillor Woods submitted the minutes of the Joint Planning Committee for noting and Councillor Church seconded the proposal.


RESOLVED: That the minutes of the West Northamptonshire Strategic Joint Planning Committee held on 17 February, 21 April and 6 July 2009 be noted.


Members' Allowances 2008/09 pdf icon PDF 140 KB

(Report herewith)

Additional documents:


Councillor Perkins submitted a report, which set out payments made to Councillors during 2008/09.  Councillor Wilson seconded the adoption of the report.


RESOLVED: That the report be noted.


(Note:         Conservative Group Members, Councillor Clarke and Councillor Capstick abstained from voting on this issue.)


Notices of Motion





Matters of Urgency Which By Reason Of Special Circumstances The Mayor is of The Opinion Should Be Considered. pdf icon PDF 128 KB


The Mayor was of the opinion that the following Items be taken as Matters of Urgency due to the undue delay if consideration were deferred:


1.   Membership of Licensing Committee


RESOLVED: That Councillor Duncan replace Councillor Flavell on the Licensing Committee.


2.      Motion in Respect of Rail Service to Northampton


         Councillor Varnsverry proposed and Councillor Simpson seconded that “This Council:


       Fully supports an integrated transport system in Northampton with rail services, links to the UK’s major towns and cities, at its heart.

       Recognises the vital contribution of Northampton’s rail services in sustaining the local economy and in helping commuters reach their places of work.

       Applauds the efforts of Northampton Rail Users Group in representing the interests of passengers to and from the town.

       Believes that shuttle bus services are inadequate substitutes for train services, particularly for disabled passengers.

       Welcomed news that negotiations between the union and the train operators have provided temporary reinstatement of a Sunday train service.

       Requests the Chief Executive to correspond with London and Birmingham Railway Limited (London Midland) and the National Union of Rail, Maritime and Transport Workers (RMT) and to advise them of the Council’s desire to see the restoration of a permanent reliable seven day service to and from Northampton as a matter of urgency.”


         Councillor Capstick proposed and Councillor Clarke seconded an amendment to remove the words “and the National Union of Rail, Maritime and Transport Workers (RMT) and” contained in the final clause of the motion.


         Council discussed the amendment.


         Upon a vote the amendment was lost.


         Councillor Varnsverry proposed and Councillor Simpson seconded an amendment to replace the words “National Union of Rail, Maritime and Transport Workers (RMT)” and to replace them with the words “appropriate trades unions”. 


         Council debated the amendment.


         Upon a vote the amendment was carried.


         Council debated the substantive motion as follows:


         “This Council:


       Fully supports an integrated transport system in Northampton with rail services, links to the UK’s major towns and cities, at its heart.

       Recognises the vital contribution of Northampton’s rail services in sustaining the local economy and in helping commuters reach their places of work.

       Applauds the efforts of Northampton Rail Users Group in representing the interests of passengers to and from the town.

       Believes that shuttle bus services are inadequate substitutes for train services, particularly for disabled passengers.

       Welcomed news that negotiations between the union and the train operators have provided temporary reinstatement of a Sunday train service.

       Requests the Chief Executive to correspond with London and Birmingham Railway Limited (London Midland) and the appropriate trades unions to advise them of the Council’s desire to see the restoration of a permanent reliable seven day service to and from Northampton as a matter of urgency.”


         Upon a vote the motion was carried.