Agenda and minutes

Venue: The Guildhall

No. Item


Declarations of Interest


Councillor Hadland declared a Personal and Prejudicial interest in Item 12 – Appointments to the Coles and Rice Charity, the Charity of Hervey and Elizabeth Ekins and Northampton Municipal General Charities, as being a Co-operative Trustee and the current Chair of the Northampton Municipal General Charities. 



To approve the minutes of the proceedings of the Meeting of the Council held on 29 June 2009.


The minutes of the meeting of Council held on 29 June 2009 were signed by the Chair.




Apologies were received from Councillors J Conroy, Duncan, Flavell, Garlick, Glynane, M Hoare, Hollis, Larratt, J Lill, Perkins and Reeve.


Mayor's Announcements.


The Mayor announced the recent death of Joan Massey, a former Mayoress.


The Mayor referred to his announcement at the meeting on 29 June 2009 in respect of the death of the former Mayor, John Gardner BEM. 


The Council stood for a minute’s silence for John Gardner and Joan Massey.


Councillors paid tribute to John Gardner BEM. 


The Mayor commented that he had attended the 45th Anniversary of the creation of Malawi celebrations.


Public Comments and Petitions


Mr Swinn referred to the Leader of the Council’s Portfolio Holder presentation and referred to a statement made by John Healey, Minister for Housing, at the Corporate Institute of Housing Conference, referring to the return of a 100% of council house sale receipts to local councils and also the end of the negative subsidy system.  He noted that tenants, by a majority, had already signified that they were happy with the Council, as landlord and therefore it seemed a waste of £2m to survey tenants when it was already known what they wanted.  He then referred to the Portfolio Holder for Housing’s portfolio update and comments in it about sheltered housing.  He noted a Freedom of Information inquiry in November 2008 from Mr Adams, which revealed that in November 2006 there had been fifty two housing wardens and by December 2008 this had reduced to thirty eight.  He commented that sheltered housing tenants were angry and felt that the consultation that had taken place had been misleading.  He noted that Government had reduced the funding available for this activity. 


Member and Public Question Time pdf icon PDF 552 KB

The questions and answers tabled are attached.


The Mayor advised that four questions had been received from members of the public and Councillors and that these and the answers had been tabled in accordance with the Constitution.  The Mayor advised he would take the questions in the order in which they had been received.  Mr Adams asked a question of Councillor Beardsworth, as the relevant Portfolio Holder, in respect of a tender document for “The Provision of Asbestos Sampling” and whether the results from the survey would be made available to the tenants on request.  Mr Adams noted the response as tabled and asked how many tenders had been received, would tenants be involved in the choice of contractor and how would those tenants be chosen?  Councillor Beardsworth commented that tenants would be encouraged to participate in the contract vetting and she would write to Mr Adams to answer the points he had raised. 


Councillor Golby asked a question of Councillor P D  Varnsverry, as the relevant Portfolio Holder, in respect of the charge made to Duston Parish Council for the use of Errington Park.  Councillor Golby noted the response as tabled and commented that Duston Parish Council had objected to the charge and he queried why it could not be waived.  Councillor P D Varnsverry noted that Errington Park was not actually within Councillor Golby’s ward and stated that as far as he was aware, Duston Parish Council had the funds available to them to pay the charge but would consider suitable assistance if this was not the case. 


Councillor Malpas asked a question of Councillor Woods in respect of introducing a “Motions Update” on future Council agendas.  Councillor Malpas noted the answer as tabled and stated that if there was not an agenda item on Council agendas then Councillors could not question the Administration about them.  Councillor Woods commented that he would consider the best way of presenting this information. 


Mrs Mennell asked a question of Councillor Woods in respect of issues concerning a refusal of a booking at The Guildhall for a group of tenants.  Mrs Mennell noted the response as tabled and asked what confidence tenants could have if consultation arrangements were based around only five meetings and 67 returned slips as compared with over 12,000 tenants.  Councillors Woods commented that tenants would be given the opportunity to reply but it was important for whatever process of tenant engagement was agreed upon for it to work, as previously it had failed to do so. 


Cabinet Member Presentations pdf icon PDF 173 KB


At this point each of the Cabinet Members made a presentation on their respective portfolios, which had been circulated with the agenda.  Councillor Woods, as the Leader of the Council and Portfolio Holder for Partnerships and Improvement, submitted his portfolio update.  Councillor Palethorpe echoed Councillor Woods statement in respect of the time it was taking for a formal letter of disengagement from DCLG.


Councillor Woods, in Councillor Perkins’ absence, presented the Portfolio Holder’s report for Finance.  Councillor Hadland noted that recent post to Councillors seemed haphazard and that it was important that Councillors received papers in sufficient time for meetings.  Councillor Woods concurred and commented that it may be necessary to consider alternative ways of distributing papers to Councillors.


Councillor B Hoare, as the Portfolio Holder for Engagement, submitted his portfolio update and was pleased to accept Councillor Palethorpe’s congratulations on the running of the recent County Council and European elections.  He noted that the statement attributed to the Audit Commission should refer to “Government monitoring” rather than “Government intervention”.


Councillor Beardsworth, as the Portfolio Holder for Housing, submitted her portfolio report.  Councillor Clarke commented that through the Freedom of Information inquiry referred to earlier in the meeting it was clear that the number of housing wardens had reduced from 53 in November 2006 to 38 in November 2008.  He compared this with the Portfolio Holder’s statement that “the current Administration has not reduced the amount of support to its sheltered housing residents”.  He asked that Councillor Beardsworth remove this statement from her report.  Councillor Beardsworth commented that she would not remove this statement and that the advice that she had been given was that no cut in service had been made.  She commented that there were currently 42 warden/coordinators.  Councillor Palethorpe expressed surprise given the response to the Freedom of Information inquiry as at the end of 2008.  Councillor Palethorpe commented that following his comments previously, in respect of the numbers of young people in temporary accommodation, he had not yet received a response.  Councillor Beardsworth agreed to write to him with the details that he sought.  In answer to a question from Councillor Meredith, Councillor Beardsworth commented that there was no further news at the moment in respect of the PFI bid and that a decision was awaited from the Minister. 


Councillor Crake, as the Portfolio Holder for Environment, submitted her portfolio update.  Councillor Malpas noted that he had observed Council workers using a shopping trolley in which to collect rubbish.  He queried whether there was a lack of suitable equipment.  Councillor Crake queried why Councillor Malpas had not made his enquiry through the Councillor Contact Centre but she would ascertain the details and write to him.  Councillor Lane queried that since the introduction of charges for the collection of bulky waste items, whether there had been a reduction in the requests for this service.  He also queried which parts of the town had been subject to action in respect of unauthorised car sales.  Councillor Crake commented that  ...  view the full minutes text for item 7.


Opposition Group Business

'A statement from the leader of the opposition regarding strategic business reviews and partnership working'


Councillor Palethorpe commented that there was no disagreement that Strategic Business Reviews needed to take place but that the Council needed to be open and transparent as to what services and what level of service was to be reviewed.  Staff should be fully involved and have an opportunity to put in a bid if they wished to do so.  The Council needed to be open in terms of expectations, for example, how many times would grass be cut, how many refuse collections would there be, etc.  Councillor Palethorpe commented that there should be a genuine partnership with other Councils and the private and voluntary centres. 


Councillor Woods commented that he generally agreed with this and that the levels of required service should be clearly understood and be fair and understandable.  He commented that the Administration had no preconceptions about in-house services or total externalisation.  They wished to achieve improved service quality and value for money.  He felt that details would not be too explicit so as to allow a partnership agreement to work properly.  He believed that staff were providing improved services at a better quality and that if these services could match the private sector the Administration would accept this.  The end result would probably be a mixed economy.


Councillor Palethorpe commented that the issue was also about size of backroom services and that if a mixed economy was achieved then this should also carry through to the size of the backroom services.  This might also include the total number of Councillors.   Strategic Business Reviews should be holistic and requested that Overview & Scrutiny look at the detail of how the exercise was to be carried out.  It was important for it to be right at the very start.


Overview and Scrutiny Annual Report 2008/09 pdf icon PDF 145 KB

Additional documents:


Councillor Simpson submitted a report and elaborated thereon.  Councillor Lane seconded the adoption of the report. 


RESOLVED: That the Overview & Scrutiny Annual Report 2008/09 be noted.


Committee Places

Copy to follow


Councillor Woods circulated a list of Committee appointments and consequent changes to representatives on outside bodies.  The Mayor announced that the Conservative Group wished to replace Councillor Duncan on the Licensing Committee with Councillor Flavell.   He also announced that Councillor Garlick would replace Councillor Brian Markham on the NCC Adult Services and Health Scrutiny Committee. 


RESOLVED: That the Committee place changes and consequent changes to the representation on outside bodies as circulated by Councillor Woods and announced by the Mayor be agreed.


Shadow Cabinet Protocol pdf icon PDF 121 KB

Copy herewith

Additional documents:


Mr Swinn commented that he supported the proposal to have a Shadow Cabinet Protocol.  Councillor Woods submitted a report that sought the inclusion of a Shadow Cabinet Protocol within the Council’s Constitution.  Councillor Palethorpe seconded the proposal.


RESOLVED: That the Shadow Cabinet Protocol as set out as Appendix A to the report be approved and included in the Council’s Constitution.


Appointments to the Coles and Rice Charity, the Charity of Hervey and Elizabeth Ekins and Northampton Municipal General Charities pdf icon PDF 128 KB

Copy herewith


Councillor B Hoare submitted a report that sought confirmation of the appointments to the Coles and Rice Charity, the Charity of Hervey and Elizabeth Ekins and Northampton Municipal General Charities.  Councillor Crake seconded the proposal.


RESOLVED: (1) That Mr Peter Newham be reappointed to the Coles and Rice Charity for a period of four years.


                        (2) That Mrs Margaret Greenwell be reappointed to the Charity of Hervey and Elizabeth Ekins for a period of three years.


                        (3) That Mary Clarke, Councillor Andrew Simpson, Reverend David Wiseman, Ruth Williams and Councillor Anthony Woods be appointed to the Northampton Municipal General Charities as Representative Trustees for a period of four years and that the Chief Executive and Town Clerk, in consultation with the Leader of the Council, agree a further appointment if required. 


Notices of Motion



Proposer Councillor Palethorpe

Seconder Councillor Lane


This Council notes the concerns of many local residents in Northampton about the Sheltered Housing system and the lack of personal contact they receive under the ‘floating support’ scheme, and believes it was a mistake by the Government to take Sheltered Housing out of the Housing Benefit budget, leaving Sheltered Housing within the underfunded Supporting People budget, and making it difficult for district councils to manage.


This Council therefore calls on the Chief Executive to urgently instigate a review of the system and listen to the concerns of local residents.




Proposer: Councillor Malpas

Seconder: Councillor Flavell


This council fully supports the valuable contribution that community centres and their staff make in supporting and sustaining our local communities. By facilitating the meeting and business of a diverse range of associations, clubs and community and faith groups, these facilities continue to have a positive impact on the overall wellbeing of our town.


This council looks forward to supporting community centres in the future and playing its part in facilitating community life across Northampton


(A)   Mr C Grethe supported the motion in respect of sheltered housing commenting that this was an important and valued service, which provided support to vulnerable people.


         Mr Adams spoke in favour of the motion and hoped that the Portfolio Holder would listen to tenants.  He referred to Freedom of Information Enquiry NBC759-1012, which gave the total of wardens as at the end of 2006 as 53 and that at the end of 2008 as 42.  He also referred to an answer given to a question to Mr B Oldham on 8 December 2008 indicating the total number of wardens as 38.  This appears to be a reduction of 30% of Housing Wardens.  He hoped that a review would be honest about the situation. 


         Mr Oldham commented that originally the Sheltered Housing Service had Residents Wardens, which then become Housing Wardens and were now Floating Wardens that provided three levels of service from one visit a month to seven visits per week.  He commented that the service appeared to be based on brevity and that the Wardens and tenants were demoralised.  He noted Councillor Beardsworth’s statement that resources had not reduced but clearly they had and although 85% of tenants were apparently satisfied with service, this figure was questionable given the nature of the questionnaire that tenants were asked to complete which tended towards skewed responses and what about the 15% of tenants who were not happy.  He hoped that the review would result in a better service.  He supported the motion.


         Mr Swinn commented that he supported the motion and there did not seem to be much point to a once a month visit.  He related his own experience of hospital treatment and subsequent return home to premises that had been agreed as unsuitable by OTs and although he had now moved to a ground floor flat, his home was still unsuitable for his needs.  He commented that a holistic solution between health and social care was needed and noted the different situation that applied in most of Europe and in Australia.  Any review needed to be all embracing and needed to be honest. 


         Councillor Palethorpe moved and Councillor Lane seconded:


“That this Council knows the concerns of many local residents in Northampton about the sheltered housing system and the lack of personal contact they receive under the “Floating Support” scheme and believes it was a mistake by the Government to take sheltered housing out of the Housing Benefit budget, leaving sheltered housing within the under funded Supporting People Budget, making it difficult for district councils to manage.


This Council therefore calls on the Chief Executive to urgently instigate a review of the system and listen to the concerns of local residents.”


Council debated the motion.


Upon a vote the motion was agreed.


(B)   Mr C Grethe commented that community centres were important to local communities and noted that some areas of the town did not have access to them.  He would like each local community to have access  ...  view the full minutes text for item 13.


Matters of Urgency Which By Reason Of Special Circumstances The Mayor is of The Opinion Should Be Considered.

