Agenda and minutes

Venue: The Guildhall

No. Item



To approve the minutes of the proceedings of the Meeting of the Council held on 20 April 2009.


The minutes of the meeting of the Council held on 20 April 2009 were signed by the Mayor.




Apologies were received from Councillors Caswell, Duncan, Flavell, M Hoare, C Lill, B Markham, I Markham, Mildren and Reeve.


Declarations of Interest


Councillor De Cruz declared a personal interest in Item 9B, Motion in respect of the Employment Opportunities Bill.


Mayor's Announcements.


The Mayor, on behalf of the Council, congratulated Northampton Saints Rugby Football Club for their recent win the European Challenge Cup Final and commented that discussions were taking place with the Club with a view to arranging a civic reception. 


The Mayor reported that Councillor M Hoare was recovering at home from a recent hospital operation and on behalf of the Council expressed his best wishes to her and her family. 


Public Comments and Petitions


Beverley Mennell stated that her comments were directed to the Portfolio Holder for Environment and concerned the out of hours Environmental Health service to deal with noise and nuisance complaints.  Several people had spoken to her expressing concerns that there was no out of hours service.  She asked if the Portfolio Holder could address this and commented that noise and other nuisance could cause problems that also had an effect on other public services such as the NHS.  She was aware of the Council’s budgetary situation and repeated her request for the Portfolio Holder to consider what could be done. 


Member and Public Question Time


The Mayor advised that seven questions had been received from members of the public and Councillors and that these and the answers had been tabled in accordance with the Constitution.  The Mayor advised that he would take the questions in the order in which they had been received. 


In the absence of Mr Adams it was noted that the response as tabled would be sent to him. 


Councillor Malpas asked a question of Councillor Woods, as the relevant Portfolio Holder, in respect of any plans that might exist for a Cabinet reshuffle.  Councillor Malpas noted the response as tabled and queried whether the Leader of the Council believed he had the right members in the right place and sought an assurance that he would not be making changes in the next few weeks.  Councillor Woods commented that the Constitution allowed him to make changes when so ever he saw fit.


Councillor Malpas asked a question of Councillor Woods, as the relevant Portfolio Holder, that in respect of the recent Westminster expenses scandal did the Leader of the Council appreciate that his Group’s decision to award a 63% increase in allowances to the former Deputy Leader of the Council was repugnant.  Councillor Malpas noted the response as tabled and queried whether the Leader still considered the 63% increase to be justified.  Councillor Woods, in response, commented that Members’ allowances had not been an issue but had come up locally and he noted that 41 of the 47 seven Councillors had taken up the increase in allowances despite comments at the time that the increases would be donated to worthy causes. 


Councillor Capstick asked a question of Councillor Glynane in respect of the future of the Women’s Forum and noted the response as tabled and asked what evidence there was to support the statement that the Women’s Forum had not been effective, which Overview & Scrutiny Committee would be involved and why women had been described as a “minority”.  Councillor Glynane commented that attendance at the Women’s Forum had been dropping over a period of time, which had led to it coming to an end; it would be a matter for Overview & Scrutiny to decide how best to respond to considering how it could be re-launched in a more effective manner; and “minority” was meant in the sense that there was possible interest from the wider community, for example, there was significant numbers of men who now take on what had been seen as traditional women’s roles.


Councillor Choudary asked a question of Councillor B Hoare, as the relevant Portfolio Holder, in respect of the closure of Council offices and a consequent reduction in accessibility to information and public services in areas such as Northampton East.  Councillor Choudary noted the response as tabled and asked whether the County Council and the Borough Council were working together on this issue.  Councillor B Hoare commented that both authorities were working together and that both had recently been the subject of access to services inspections, the  ...  view the full minutes text for item 6.


Cabinet Member Presentations pdf icon PDF 93 KB


At this point each of the Cabinet members made a presentation on their respective portfolios, which had been circulated with the agenda.  Councillor Woods, as the Leader of the Council and Portfolio Holder for Partnerships and Improvement, submitted his portfolio update.  Councillor Palethorpe commented that he understood that the Chief Executive of the County Council had circulated a memorandum about the future of the Northamptonshire Partnership and requested that this memorandum be also copied to the other Group Leaders on the Council and Councillor Clarke.  Councillor Woods commented that he was not immediately aware of such a document but if it were to be brought to his attention he would circulate it as requested.  In answer to a question from Councillor Clarke, Councillor Woods noted that in preparing a Portfolio Holder report a balance needed to be struck and he had chosen the two items he considered to be of most importance to the Council.  He commented that there were some other issues but as yet there was nothing worthwhile to report to Council on them. 


Councillor Woods, in Councillor Mildren’s absence, presented the Portfolio Holder’s report for Finance.  In answer to a question from Councillor Hadland, Councillor B Hoare noted that whilst Council Tax performance was currently slightly down the Council was not yet in a position to compare data relative to other authorities, however, this would be circulated to members once it was available.  Councillor Clarke commented that in respect of Delapre Abbey it should not be considered just as a financial asset but also its heritage value should be taken into account.  Councillor Woods commented that work to improve the Abbey and surrounding parkland involved nearly all the Cabinet members and Councillor Hawkins and that it would take some considerable time to repair the neglect of the last twenty years. 


Councillor B Hoare, as the Portfolio Holder for Performance, submitted his portfolio update.  Councillor Palethorpe queried whether the reference to the review of future hardware and software ICT purchases also included the market testing of ICT provision itself.  Councillor B Hoare commented that this was not about the outsourcing of ICT itself, but about achieving a strategy for the future purchase of hardware and software.  In response to queries raised by Councillors Hadland and Clarke, Councillor B Hoare commented that he recognised the efforts of Council employees and that the current performance indicators showed that on a month to month basis the Council’s performance was improving but on a quarterly basis improvement was still needed.


Councillor Beardsworth, as the Portfolio Holder for Housing, submitted her portfolio update and drew attention to the award of National Charity Status by DCLG for its work on personalised services for rough sleepers.  In answer to a question from Councillor Palethorpe, Councillor Beardsworth commented that she would send him the requested data on the current position of housing waiting lists and the numbers of eighteen and nineteen year olds who might be in temporary or bed and breakfast accommodation. 


Councillor Crake, as  ...  view the full minutes text for item 7.


Opposition Group Business

The Labour Group feels that the Overview and Scrutiny structure as it currently exists does not meet the requirements of this Council and its non-executive members.  Therefore the Labour Group asks Overview and Scrutiny Management Committee to,


  • Consult:

-        With the three Overview and Scrutiny Committees on their opinions on the future of Overview and Scrutiny in NBC.

-        With all non-executive councillors who are not on Overview and Scrutiny.

-        With any Officer they and the Chief Executive feel relevant.


  • Discuss and make recommendations in a report on how the Scrutiny Officer might be better supported longer-term. For example, more use of Democratic Services and Political Assistants in research and particularly in administration.


  • Bring to Council a report on how Overview and Scrutiny will proceed in future, hopefully by 13th July 2009 but at the very latest at the Council meeting on September 13th 2009. 


Proposed by: Cllr Keith Davies


Seconded by: Cllr Lee Mason


Councillor Davies proposed the motion set out on the Agenda paper commenting that the Labour Group were worried about the future role of Overview & Scrutiny and the resources that were available to it.  The Labour Group were concerned that non-executive Councillors should not be left behind and that they should be involved.  He commented that the introduction of Overview & Scrutiny in 2001 had been the most difficult part of the Local Government Act 2000 to implement and he noted the evolution of it during the intervening years.  He felt that there were some other areas of the Council that could help, particularly with the production of reports.  He noted that consideration of the future of Overview & Scrutiny was currently being undertaken and hoped that the timetable would be kept to. 


Councillor Simpson welcomed the motion submitted by the Labour Group and agreed that much of what it was set out formed part of the considerations that were currently being made.  He noted that the peer review by Rugby and Thameside Councils had shown many positive things and that the Overview & Scrutiny Management Committee would consider an improvement plan in July, with a member workshop to follow in August.  He noted that there was a current preference amongst Councillors for more Task & Finish Groups and fewer Committee meetings.  He noted that it was intended to bring a report to Council on 28 September. 


Councillor Mason seconded the motion and was pleased to note the Members’ Workshop, scheduled for August.  She noted that some three years previously, the Council’s Overview & Scrutiny arrangements had been regarded as a model of good practice and that the report on rough sleepers and homelessness had been highly regarded.  She commented that there should be more pre-scrutiny and that all non-executive Councillors should have an input.  She believed that Task & Finish Groups were more transparent and open to the public rather than having working parties.  She believed that Overview & Scrutiny could help with the future of the Women’s Forum and the balloon festival.



(A) Councillor Palethorpe to propose and Councillor Larratt to second ‘That this Council appreciates and recognises the very serious concerns of the residents of Northampton regarding the reduction in the collection service of green waste whereby it is only collected on a four weekly cycle.  Council resolves to reinstate the fortnightly collection of green waste at the earliest practicable opportunity.  Furthermore this Council resolves to implement the fortnightly kerbside collection of glass as an additional service in line with the original pilot scheme.’



(B) Councillor Scott to propose and Councillor Davies to second “That this Council notes that Brian Binley, MP for Northampton South, has backed a Conservative private member’s bill, “The Employment Opportunities Bill”, which allows employees to opt out of the minimum wage. 

This Council further notes that many Trades Unions, charities and community organisations have opposed the Employment Opportunities Bill. 

This Council believes that the minimum wage has had an enormous and positive impact on families and people across Northampton.  An opt out from the minimum wage would turn the clock back to the days of atrociously poor pay and would only benefit unprincipled employers. 

Therefore this Council is unequivocally opposed to “The Employment Opportunities Bill” and is disappointed, but not surprised, that it has received Mr. Binley's support.


This Council directs the Chief Executive to send Mr Binley a copy of this motion asking him to seriously consider withdrawing his support for the bill for the benefit of the people of Northampton.”








Councillor Palethorpe proposed and Councillor Larratt seconded:


“That this Council appreciates and recognises the very serious concerns of the residents of Northampton regarding the reduction in the collection service of green waste whereby it is only collected on a four weekly cycle.  Council resolves to reinstate the fortnightly collection of green waste at the earliest practicable opportunity.  Furthermore this Council resolves to implement the fortnightly kerb side collection of glass as an additional service in line with the original pilot scheme.”


Council debated the motion.


Upon a request for a recorded vote:


There voted for the motion: Councillors Capstick, Choudary, Clarke, Davies, Edwards, Golby, Hadland, Lane, Larratt, J Lill, Malpas, Mason, Palethorpe and Scott.


There voted against the motion: Councillors Beardsworth, S Chaudhury, Church, Collins, J Conroy, R Conroy, Crake, De Cruz, Garlick, Glynane, Hawkins, B Hoare, Hollis, Meredith, Perkins, Simpson, Taylor, P M Varnsverry, Woods and Yates.


There abstained: The Mayor and Councillors Matthews and P D Varnsverry.


The motion was lost.


Councillor Scott and Councillor Davies seconded:


“That this Council notes that Brian Binley MP for Northampton South, has backed a Conservative Private Members Bill, “The Employment Opportunities Bill”, which allows employees to opt out of the minimum wage.


This Council further notes that many trade unions, charities and community organisations have opposed the Employment Opportunities Bill.


This Council believes that the minimum wage has had an enormous and positive impact on families and people across Northampton.  An opt out from minimum wage would turn the clock back to the days where atrociously poor pay and would only benefit unprincipled employers.


Therefore this Council is unequivocally opposed to “the Employment Opportunities Bill” and is disappointed, but not surprised, that it received Mr Binley’s support.


This Council directs the Chief Executive to send Mr Binley a copy of this motion asking him to seriously reconsider withdrawing his support from the Bill for the benefit of the people of Northampton.”


Council debated the motion.


Upon a requisition for a recorded vote:


There voted for the motion: Councillors Beardsworth, Capstick, S Chaudhury, I Choudary, Church, Clarke, Collins, J Conroy, R Conroy, Crake, Davies, De Cruz, Garlick, Glynane, Hawkins, B Hoare, Hollis, Larratt, J Lill, Malpas, Mason, Matthews, Meredith, Palethorpe, Perkins, Scott, Simpson, Taylor, P D Varnsverry, P M Varnsverry, Woods and Yates.


There voted against the motion: Councillor Edwards.


There abstained: the Mayor and Councillors Golby, Hadland and Lane. 


The motion was agreed.


Matters of Urgency Which By Reason Of Special Circumstances The Mayor is of The Opinion Should Be Considered.

