Agenda and minutes

Venue: The Guildhall

No. Item


Election of Mayor

Councillor Hadland to propose and Councillor Davies to second: “That Councillor Michael John Hill be elected Mayor of the Borough of Northampton for the ensuing year.”


After election the Mayor will make the declaration of acceptance of office.


The Mayor’s Serjeant will invest the Mayoress (Mrs Margaret Hill) with her chain of office.


The Mayor will thank the Council for his election.  


Councillor T Hadland proposed and Councillor K.  Davies seconded “that Councillor Michael John Hill be elected Mayor of the Borough of Northampton for the ensuing year”. 


The motion was carried and Councillor M J Hill was appointed Mayor and accepted office by making and delivering to the Chief Executive the Declaration of Acceptance of Office. 


The Mayor then took the Chair.


Vote of Thanks To The Outgoing Mayor and Mayoress

Councillor Garlick to propose and Councillor B. Hoare to second: “That the thanks of the Council be given to Councillor Brian Markham and Councillor Irene Markham for the able and courteous manner in which they have discharged their duties as Mayor and Mayoress during their term of office.”


Councillor D Garlick proposed and Councillor B Hoare seconded “That the thanks of Council be given to Councillor Brian Markham and Councillor Irene Markham for the able and courteous manner in which they have discharged their duties as Mayor and Mayoress during their term of office”.


The motion was carried.


Election of Deputy Mayor

Councillor Church to propose and Councillor Beardsworth to second: “That Councillor Marianne Taylor be appointed to the office of Deputy Mayor for the ensuing year.”


After appointment the Deputy Mayor will make the declaration of acceptance of office.


The Mayor’s Serjeant will invest the Deputy Mayor’s consort (Mr Martin Taylor) with his badge of office.  


Councillor R Church proposed and Councillor S Beardsworth seconded “That Councillor Marianne Taylor be appointed to the office of Deputy Mayor for the ensuing year”.


The motion was carried and Councillor M Taylor was appointed Deputy Mayor and accepted office by making and delivering the Chief Executive the Declaration of Acceptance of Office.




Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Collins, Glynane, M Hoare, C Lill, J Lill, Simpson and P M Varnsverry.


Long Service

To record the long service of the following employees;


                    25 years: A. Blane, S. Bowers, L. Burdett, R. Clarke,

                                     V. Coomber, B. Hayward, P. Jeffery, F. Lloyd,

                                     T. Matsell, J. Parke, L. Robinson, M. Sugden,

                                     N. Tack, S. Underwood, and S. Wade.


                    35 years: S. Jackson, K. Schneidereit, A. Skinner,

                                     O. Sowerby, D. Strong, and R. Thompson.    


The long service of those employees shown in paragraph 5 of the agenda was noted with appreciation.


Leader and Deputy Leader of the Council

Councillor Yates to propose and Councillor Hawkins to second;


“That Councillor Woods be appointed Leader of the Council and Councillor B Hoare be appointed Deputy Leader of the Council.”


Councillor Yates proposed and Councillor Hawkins seconded “That Councillors Woods and B Hoare be appointed Leader and Deputy Leader of the Council respectively for the ensuing year”.


The motion was carried.


Leader and Deputy Leader of the Opposition Group

Councillor Caswell to propose and Councillor Reeve to second;


“That Councillor Palethorpe be appointed Leader of the Opposition and Councillor Larratt be appointed Deputy Leader of the Opposition.”


Councillor Caswell proposed and Councillor Reeves seconded “That Councillor Palethorpe be appointed Leader of the Opposition and Councillor Larratt be appointed the Deputy Leader of the Opposition.


The motion was carried.


Leader and Deputy Leader of the Labour Group

Councillor Scott to propose and Councillor I Choudary to second;


“That Councillor Davies be appointed Leader of the Labour Group and Councillor Mason be appointed Deputy Leader of the Labour Group.”


Councillor Scott proposed and Councillor Capstick seconded “That Councillor Davies be appointed Leader of the Labour Group and Councillor Mason be appointed Deputy Leader of the Labour Group”.


The motion was carried.


Council Meetings

The Mayor to propose: “That the Annual Meeting of the Council take place on 20 May 2010 and the other meetings of Council take place on 1 June, 29 June, 13 July, 14 September, 28 September, 26 October, 7 December 2009, 18 January, 25 February, 1 March and 12 April 2010.”


RESOLVED: That the Annual and Ordinary meetings of Council during 2009/10 be held on the dates shown in paragraph 9 of the agenda.


Committee Proportionality pdf icon PDF 127 KB

(copy herewith)


The Leader of the Council submitted a report that had been circulated and Councillor B Hoare seconded its adoption.


RESOLVED: That approval be given to the number of seats on each Committee as detailed in the report and the representation of political groups be as set out in the report.



To record the following appointments to the Cabinet for 2009-10;


Councillor Woods- Improvement and Strategic Partnerships

Councillor B. Hoare- Performance

Councillor Glynane- Community Engagement and Safety

Councillor Mildren- Finance

Councillor Beardsworth- Housing

Councillor Crake- Environment

Councillor Church- Regeneration


RESOLVED: That the Leader of the Council, Councillor Woods, be the Chair of the Cabinet and that the Cabinet members be Councillors Beardsworth, Church, Crake, Glynane, B Hoare and Mildren.


Appointments to Committees pdf icon PDF 129 KB

(copy herewith)


The Leader of the Council submitted a report and Councillor B Hoare seconded its adoption. 


RESOLVED: That subject to the amendment of Overview and Scrutiny Committee 2: Housing and Environment, by the removal of Councillor Palethorpe’s name and substitution of Councillor J Lill in his place, the appointment to Committee as set out in the report be adopted. 


Appointments to Outside Bodies pdf icon PDF 148 KB

(copy herewith)


The Leader of the Council submitted a report and Councillor B Hoare seconded its adoption.


RESOLVED: That the appointments to outside bodies be noted.


Consultation Appointments

To consider the appointment of the following Councillors with whom consultations shall be held by the named Officer under the terms set out and delegated by the Council:


Community Enabling Fund Advisory Panel (Chief Executive)

Councillors J. Conroy, Flavell, Glynane, I. Markham, Palethorpe and Scott.


Markets Matters (Director of Environment and Culture)

Councillors Church, Flavell, Hadland, Scott, Taylor and Woods. 


The Leader of the Council referred to the appointments listed on the agenda paper and Councillor B Hoare seconded their adoption.


RESOLVED: That the consultation appointments to the Community Enabling Fund Advisory Panel and the Markets Matters Group be as set out on the agenda page.