
Venue: The Guildhall

No. Item


Presenting and Supporting of Conferments

In pursuance of the said decision

(a)    Councilor Patterson will present the said Trevor Bailey and Councillor Hadland will support such presentation.

(b)    Councillor Wire will present the said John Gardner and Councillor Laratt will support such presentation.

(c)     Councillor Larratt will present the said Stan James and Councillor McCutcheon will support such presentation.

(d)    Councillor Barron will present the said Ronald Linsdell and Councillor Evans will support such presentation.


Formal Award

Following such presentation Trevor Bailey,John Gardner,Stan James and Ronald Linsdell will be presented by the Mayor in the name and on behalf of the Council with a Certificate of Entry as Honorary Aldermen and their names will be entered in the Roll of Honorary Aldermen.



The recipients (or a representative on their behalf ) will respond if wished.



The Mayor will conclude the formal proceedings and invite participation in refreshments.