Agenda and minutes

Venue: The Guildhall

No. Item



To approve the minutes of the proceedings of the Meeting of the Council held on MeetingDate.


In the absence of the Mayor and the Deputy Mayor Councillor Hadland, as Leader of the Council, called for nominations for a Chair for this meeting.  Councillor Crake proposed and Councillor Woods seconded that Councillor Beardsworth be elected Chair for this meeting.  The proposal was put to the vote and carried.  Councillor Beardsworth then assumed the Chair.


At this juncture Councillor Beardsworth announced with deep regret the deaths of Mr.George Pollard a former Borough Councillor, Sir Malcolm Arnold and former Councillor Mary Davies and the Council held a minutes silence as a mark of respect.


Tributes were then paid to Mary Davies by Councillors Pritchard,Hadland and Church to George Pollard by Councillor Hadland, and to Sir Malcolm Arnold by Councillors Woods and Hadland.


The minutes of the proceedings of the meeting of the Council held on 24 July were then signed by Councillor Beardsworth. In moving the minutes Councillor Glynane referred to the fact that he had requested an update at the last meeting in terms of the planning application in relation to the Delapre bunding and had asked this of Councillor Hadland.  Councillor Hadland undertook to let Councillor Glynane have the information.  Councillor Marriott then raised an issue that he had requested that Council be given an update on recent notices of motion and again it was agreed that this would be undertaken. 




Apologies for absence were received from the Mayor, the Deputy Mayor, Councillors J Lill, Malpas, Massey and Robinson. 


Mayor's Announcements.


It was noted that a Fair Trade Certificate had been awarded to the Borough Council and Councillor’s Pritchard’s work and efforts in achieving this were placed on record.


Councillor Conroy then presented a petition on behalf of Dallington residents regarding overgrown trees which were causing problems in Dallington Haven. 


Deputations/Public Addresses/Questions.


RESOLVED:That Mr Varnsverry be permitted to address the Council in respect of Notice of Motion Item 6B regarding Climate Change and Mr Adams and Mr.Swinn be permitted to address the Council in respect of Notice of Motion Item 6C regarding the Council’s Housing Stock.


To answer questions asked under Council Procedural Rule 5.2.


(A)   Councillor Church asked a question to which Councillor Hadland responded. Councillor Church stated that in 2003 Northampton Borough Council published an Energy Strategy in response to growing concern about the environment and the impact of climate change.  Amongst the aims of the strategy were specific targets including the following:- by 2004 establish annual Northampton Design Awards to promote good sustainable design in buildings and public spaces, to complete a programme of improved flood defences by 2004, to ensure at least sixty percent of new housing between 2000 to 2008 was built on brownfield land, develop at least one Council owned property accessible to the public as a flagship for renewable energy and energy efficiency.He asked what progress had been made towards these aims.  Councillor Hadland in responding to the question firstly made a plea to members that given current pressure under which the Council was operating that they, as a general principle, exercise an element of restraint in requesting information and perhaps source information through other channels thus keeping the pressure down so that the priorities could be concentrated upon.  He then responded to the question stating that no progress had been made towards establishing a Northampton Design Awards.  However the Upton housing area being developed by English Partnerships continued to be a national and local example of best practice in sustainable design and buildings and the Council had participated in various seminars and events to promote its design and development principles.  The programme of flood defences for areas at high risk from flooding was implemented by the Environment Agency and completed in 2004.  Annual proportions of housing built on brownfield land had been consistently higher than 60% since the year 2000.  The latest figure for 2005/06 was 84%, which was the highest proportion ever recorded.  No Borough Council property had as yet been accessible to the public to demonstrate renewable energy and energy efficiency.  In response to a supplementary question in terms of promoting sustainable housing by having an exhibition house on Council property, Councillor Hadland stated that the Council would endeavour to do its best as resources permitted.


(B)   Councillor Beardsworth then asked a question dealing with the same issue, i.e. the impact of climate change and energy strategy, and asked what progress had been made towards the following aims to reduce fuel poverty in vulnerable households across the Borough by a third by 2004, a 30% improvement in domestic energy efficiency between 1996 and 2011 and to set a minimum standard for energy efficiency for new build in the local plan during 2006.  Councillor Hadland again responded to the questions.  He stated that the replacement to the local plan would enable the Council to set minimum standards for energy efficiency by ensuring developers adopted an approach to assessing the environmental performance of new build and converted residential property.  Policies on energy efficiency and promoting renewable energy would be contained in the Core Strategy and Development Control policy documents of the Local Development Framework.


(C)   Councillor Hollis  ...  view the full minutes text for item 5.


Notices of Motion

(A)The following motion to be moved by Councillor Malpas and seconded by Councillor Duncan;-


“That procedural rule 3.4 be suspended to enable the following motion to be discussed and a vote to be taken


Council welcomes the decision of Cabinet on 11th September to support the preparation of a Joint Core Strategy for West Northamptonshire and commends all involved for their hard work.


Council agrees with the Administration that completion of the Local Development Plans is vital to the future prosperity and improvement of Northampton and that they should be produced as quickly as possible, taking into account the available resources and due process.”



(B)The following motion to be moved by Councillor Hollis and seconded by Councillor Simpson:-


“That procedural rule 3.4 be suspended to enable the following motion to be discussed and a vote taken


While this Council appreciates the need to focus on improvement it also recognises the urgent need to address the causes of climate change


This Council calls for a council-wide environmental audit to be undertaken as soon as possible to identify ways in which we can improve the environmental performance of the Council,reduce our environmental footprint,mitigate the effects on climate change and identify future savings in taxpayers money. We encourage our partners to do the same.” 



The following motion to be moved by Councillor Miah and seconded by Councillor Palethorpe:-


“That procedural rule 3.4 be suspended to enable the following motion to be discussed and a vote to be taken


This Council reaffirms its commitment to support tenants wishes for housing to remain under the control of Northampton Borough Council. This Council is committed to working with tenants and the “Tenants Participation Panel” to identify future ways of managing the stock and giving the tenants a greater role in the management of their homes.


This Council recognises the need for more affordable housing in Northampton. Council will continue to ensure through the planning framework as well as working with partners and  agencies to develop options to meet the needs of those on the housing waiting list,first time buyers and key workers.


This Council will continue to support tenants right to buy.” 


At this juncture the Council adjourned for a ten minute break. 


The meeting resumed.


Overview and Scrutiny - Annual Report pdf icon PDF 917 KB

(copy herewith)


Councillor Glynane as Chair presented the Overview &Scrutiny Committee’s Annual Report for 2005/06.  He stated that the report was essentially the work that had been carried out over the last year by Overview & Scrutiny and the work that it proposed to do.  As part of this, various Task & Finish Groups had been set up and he particularly thanked Councillors Roy and Malpas for their work and efforts in this.  The Task & Finish Groups provided the opportunity for members and members of the public to be co-opted onto the Groups and involved in the Overview & Scrutiny process.  The methods used by Overview & Scrutiny to involve the public included an e-bulletin newsletter, which was available on the Borough Council’s website, and there was also a website dedicated to Overview & Scrutiny.  He then spoke further on the work of some of the Task & Finish Groups and, in particular, paid tribute to the work of Tracy Tiff in helping drive the process forward as well as Margaret Martin for the training.  He stated that there was still some work ongoing in terms of protocols.  He then commended the report to the Council.  Councillor Hadland stated that report had been submitted to Cabinet and had been pleased to note the quality and amount of work that had been carried out.


RESOLVED: That the Overview & Scrutiny Committee Annual Report be accepted.


Constitution - Report of the Constitutional Working Party pdf icon PDF 165 KB

(copy herewith)


Councillor Palethorpe presented the report of the Constitutional Working Party on various changes to the Constitution, which was seconded by Councillor Woods.  It was noted that it was anticipated that the Constitution would be completed and the document submitted to the next Council meeting for approval.  It was also noted that the Business Management Group should be up and running for the next Council meeting.


RESOLVED: That the report be received and the setting up of a Business Management Group (BMG) be agreed.  That the changes to the Constitution as outlined in the Report be agreed.


Local Joint Committee - Report of Solicitor to the Council pdf icon PDF 120 KB

(copy herewith)


Councillor Palethorpe presented a report, which was seconded by Councillor Barron, seeking changes to the Constitution in terms of the Local Joint Committee.  He added that all three parties wanted some representation on the Consultation Group and suggested that an additional recommendation be added in terms of seeking approval for three members from each of the political parties to sit on the Consultation Group.


RESOLVED: (1) That the report be received and that Council agrees to dis-establish the Local Joint Committee. 


                        (2) That Council agrees to the route for the adoption and consultation on Human Resources Policy as outlined in the report and agrees to changes to the Constitution.


                        (3) That Council agrees to changes to the Officers’ Scheme of Delegations as outlined in the report.


                        (4) That approval be sought from the various relevant bodies for three members from each of the political parties to sit on the Consultation Group.


Nominations to Outside Bodies - Northampton Theatres Trust - Report of Solicitor to the Council pdf icon PDF 109 KB

(copy herewith)


Councillor Hadland presented this report, which sought approval to change the Borough’s representation on the Northampton Theatres Trust and seeking to appoint one Councillor from each of the three political groups as the Council’s representatives on the Northampton Theatres Trust in place of the present five representatives.  Members express the view that they would like further discussion and also to consult the Council representatives currently sitting on the Board.


RESOLVED: That approval be given in principle to appointing one Councillor from each of the political groups as the Council’s representatives on the Northampton Theatres Trust in place of the present five representatives.


Matters of Urgency Which By Reason Of Special Circumstances The Mayor is of The Opinion Should Be Considered.


There were none.


The meeting concluded at 9:55 pm.