Issue - meetings

Award of Decent Home Contract

Meeting: 15/12/2010 - Cabinet (Item 17)

Award of Decent Home Contract

B Report of Director of Housing (Copy herewith)

Additional documents:


Cabinet considered the confidential information provided in the private addendum to the public report and took the information fully into account when they made the decision on the corresponding item on the public agenda (Item 9).


Councillor Beardsworth, as the relevant Portfolio Holder, submitted a report that set out the commercially sensitive appendices to the public report concerning the award of the Phase II Decent Homes Contract.


The Chair commented that the process for Phase II had started in February 2009. It had been long and detailed.


In answer to a question from Councillor Perkins it was noted that local contractors had been encouraged to be involved and that the winning contractors would be encouraged to use local labour. This could not, legally, be made a requirement. 


RESOLVED:      That the confidential information provided in the private addendum to the public report be noted and taken into account in making the following decision in respect of Item 9- Award of Decent Homes Contract.


The Chair moved “That the public and press be readmitted to the remainder of the meeting.”  The motion was carried.